we want to create a small STM32F4 based Board (for example 10x5cm in size), with limited Pins/sockets...
this topic has not the the claim to be perfect... all the infos are on the WikiPage
WikiPage: http://wiki.midibox.org/doku.php?id=mnmlcore#design_concepts we can edit - one piece of information - and have to possibility to to compare different designs more ease
PCB: initial shematic/Board Layout (eagle): MinimalCore.zip taken from: (be aware that this files could be not ready for fabricate!!! - i take no response for any use of it!)
PCB: the eagle file above - ported 1:1 to Kicad 5 (which is still in 5.0.0 nightly): NewCoreSTM.zip that this file is not ready for PCB fabricate!)
DESIGN Concept:
discuss about how a small Core can be used on a small UI (small UI- less space) - also about the point that in most cases we need a midiport, and no optos are onboard till now... (except LPC17 and Core8)
please look into the wiki where i already pointed out my view of things