I'm building my synth inside a Commodore VIC-20 case. The LEDs will be poking out of the surface so I'm trying to figure out the best way to apply labels to the case surface. One method I'm considering is using water slide decals which are popular with people who do models and custom guitar gear.
The pack of this special paper is $20 so I'm hesitant to buy some if its going fall off or look like crap. Has anyone had any experience trying to use these type of decals on a surface like the commodore cases? My concerns are: 1) while the case is mostly flat, its got a little texture, so I'm wondering if that will lead to the decals falling off. 2) If the case is matte and I'm not planning to apply a clear coat to the top, will the edges of the decals be really obvious and look bad?
I'm also open to suggestions on better ways to apply the labels.