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The Dub Master MIDIbox 64 -work in progress-


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Reloading MIOS?

Do you mean reloading the app again?

Or downloading MIOS again?

Cuz iv'e uploaded the app about 20-30 times and it's still the same.

Iv'e officially stoped having fun.

And im out of beers, and cash..



Do you mean re-burning the PIC?....

....i purchased a preburned PIC from SmashTV,

cuz i don't have the equipment nor the skills for that kind of stuff..

So if this is what you mean, then im sh*t out of luck.


what could possibly make the midi channels cycle when turning/tweaking a pot??

It's been doing this since the begining.

This is what i get when monitoring while tweaking the second knob (PIN2 on J1 on AIN1)


When reaching channel 1 you can see the change i made.

But why are the MIDI channels cycling?

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That midi monitor is not much chop.... the way it inserts an F0 like that is really annoying, as is the lack of ability to select the text!

Glad it's working now though... really strange that it works with miosstudio and not serge's though.... Something weird is going on....

Oh wait you add-edited (man that's a bad habit)

what could possibly make the midi channels cycle when turning/tweaking a pot??

It's been doing this since the begining...


the change i made.

But why are the MIDI channels cycling?

What change was that? You've got it sending invalid midi messages, that's bad. Makes me wonder what else you broke ;)

Anyway, that is an aside: Fix ONE thing at a time.

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...geez i never said i wasn't a screw up.

Let me clarify a bit.

I got another computer, and with this new computer i was finally able to

upload sysex with Serge's.

Ive tested uploading the app with MIOS studio and it's working too.

After testing many times now, both application works.

The problem with the MIDI cycling came early.

It's been like that since post #131 or something...

I though back then it was due to the jittering with the pots.

The change i wrote about..

I wonder' date=' maybe you could try something.... Make a small change in serge's, just one, for testing, and upload it. When you do, Run a midi monitor on the PC's output and paste that log in here.... Then loop the output of your pc back into it's input, and paste the monitor log in here too. They should be the same, in theory...[/quote']

I did nothing big.

I just changed the name of the first pot to "Ctrl 9".

And then i uploaded it. Thats the change.

And i'll stop with add-editing

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If you can write code and never screw up then you might like to try walking on water ;)

Ahh I see what you mean about the change now, and it's not sending invalid midi, i just misread the log... I'm sure mios studio lets you paste the text no?

I'm still not really clear on the problem... Does it happen to all pots or just the one? Does it always increase the channels, or does it decrease sometimes too? does the change in channel have any relationship to the way you turn the knob?

Apart from uploading fresh MIOS and application, what other changes would you make, to get it configured for your hardware?

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Thanx man.

Im at the virge of giving up every two seconds.

I think my mental stage needs an overhaul after all of this is over.

Iv'e been sitting typing a new post while you did yours,

so to stop myself from "add-editing", i'll answer you'r question about Channels dec/inc first.

The MIDI channels decrease when tweaking down and increase while tweaking up.

When the MIDI channel reaches the highest number it will start over again.

I turn knob up a 1/4 of its travel and MIDI channel reaches 16 as i continue to tweak MIDI Channel starts over

from 1 and keeps on going until maxium and then starts over again.

Channels cycle from 1-16 on some pots and from 5-13 on some, even 10-16 on others.

This is constant though. It's not like this problem moves between the pots.

I know that if i tweak this pot the MIDI channel will cycle from 1-16,

and on this particular pot, MIDI channel will cycle from 5-13.

This is always constant.

I test this between every app upload, and the problem stays the same.

So the short answer is yes there is a relation to how i turn the know with the MIDI cycling.

Once i stop turning, MIDI stops cycling.

Im sorry, but cycling might be a wrong term for it...i couldn't find any other words for it.

Story continues.

Iv'e noticed that ALL the LED's on the DOUT, lights up/flickers when tweaking knobs.

So i decided to disconnect everything.

Pulled the optocoupler and Core again.

Measured the voltages before putting them back in. CHECK!

I then uploaded MIOS with MIOS studio.

LCD displayed the cute "READY" message. CHECK

I then connected the AIN boards. (i am so pleased with the new pots, jitters all gone)

After that i uploaded the MB64 app, original version.

Upload was successfull. CHECK

I then tried turning knobs and pulling faders.

Same result as before, i was expecting it anyway.

Midi channels cycle when tweaking and only some pots work.


In this stage i decided to check wich pins those working pots are connected to.

I just want to know what you'r thoughts are about this.

Working pins/pots:

AIN1 J1: PIN 6

AIN1 J2: PIN 6

AIN1 J3: PIN 6

AIN1 J4: PIN 6

AIN2 J1: PIN 6

AIN2 J2: PIN 6

AIN2 J3: PIN 6

AIN2 J4: PIN 6

I might me stupid, but this still looks like a pattern to me. ;D

I don't even care about the buttons and LED's anymore.

Just getting the pots to work before the gig would be super.

I could take care of the rest after.

Also, MIDI channels inc/dec is the same as before, even now

with a totally new MIOS and MB64 upload.

I hope this can tell you something.

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That's an excellent description dude, that makes it a bit easier.... alas it's a weird problem.

The "only pot 6 works" thing is rather interesting.

I'd be taking a really close look at J6. In fact if you can wire it back to front (ABC -> CBA, or just rearrange two pins like ACB), it'd be interesting to see what happens. But those pins select which of the 8 pots on each 4051 are being sampled, so it sounds like they're held at CBA = 110 somehow. Time to get out a magnifier and a multimeter...

Edit: check the whole trace for shorts, all the way from the PIC to the 4051...

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Pass that shit man, cuz i needs that right now.

Lots and lots of irie feelings here!

I just solved the problem man.

..and im too embarrased to talk about it  :-[  :-[

All the boards are from SmashTV.

The J6 connector have pins on it that don't go nowhere....

When reading the schematics i didn't even care to look at the board closely.

So i just soldered the ABC conectors to ABC...

Without your help i wouldn't ever have found this,

cuz i knew that the boards where connected. WRONG!!!!

I moved the cables to the pins that actually are connected with the registers and what do i get.

A fully functional setup.

Ok i haven't connected the DIN or the DOUT yet,

but im going to do that now.

"I love it when a plan comes together" - Hannibal The A-team

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Everything was fine, everything was working.

I even used the DubMasta with my regular production software, just for testing.

After playing around a while i decided it was time for some programming.

(DOUT and DIN's still not connected at this point.)

I started up Serge's.

I made one change just like the last time, just for testing.

I uploaded the sysex and i got this...

When MIOS is booting.


After MIOS has booted


when tweaking knobs, nothing happens on the LCD.

Iv'e checked it with the midi monitor, the DubMaster doesent even send MIDI anymore!!!


All i did what upload sysex.

How can that f**k my machine up like that?!

I even tried uploading MIOS again, and that doesent help.

All i get is what you see on the pictures and no MIDI comming out of it anymore.

I never even touched the box.

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Update from the chatroom:

This all came down to wiring problems. We tracked them down and fixed them up, and the box became responsive, and then foona uploaded a change using serge's editor.... Which killed the bootloader on the PIC: There's a note on the ucapps page that says  that serge's is not compatible with the PIC18F apps.

Foona is now arranging parts for a JDM or burner......D'oh!!

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There's a note on the ucapps page that says  that serge's is not compatible with the PIC18F apps.

Foona is now arranging parts for a JDM or burner......D'oh!!

haha, the message should say:


Using Serge's with PIC18F apps will rape the bootloader to death

;D ;D

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Well MIOS should prevent writing anything there, but the BSL is definitely cooked after foona used it, so go figure... Whatever it is, it definitely does not work ;D

FYI: In recent times, the bootloader was in a different location - there's nothing wrong with serge's editor, it works as designed and as it should.

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As soon as i plugged the MBHP PIC burner to my PC's paralell port, the RED LED lit up.

And when i start the P18 software, i get the message that it can't find a programmer.

So i went back to ucapps and read this:

"If the "programmer detected" message doesn't appear, you can check the paralell port with a simple test adapter which is described in the help file of P18"

Good good i thaught........NOT!

The help file is in german, and i can't read it....

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sorry Stryd, haven't updated this thread.

Im way beyond that now.

I got a translator and i understood what to do.

Either way i couln't get PC to find the PIC burner.

Im going to borrow money and purchase a PicKit2, USB pic programmer.

While i wait, im sending the brand new untouched PIC to the guy with the ICD2.

Im currently trying to put myself into a trance,

so i can procced with finishing the tracks, im supposed to be bombing at the gig.

At least the MB64 wiring looks to be set now, so all i need is a brain for it.

Thanx guys for your support!

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Im going to borrow money and purchase a PicKit2, USB pic programmer.

While i wait, im sending the brand new untouched PIC to the guy with the ICD2.

i just recently bought a pickit2 for my midibox project and i realized i would have to make an adapter board to conntect to the pic chip.  so if you need it, i have a LVP programming adapter designed for the pickit2 to 40 pin ic socket.  i haven't cut a board yet to try because my z axis on the cnc is dis-assembled right now while making a new motor/leadscrew coupler.  but i had some people in # electronics look over the pinouts of my board and it "should" work.  :)

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