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a new LCD... maybe...


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Hi! I get an LCD from a friend, it seems to be a 128x64 (mabe more). The only problem is : the only reference shown on it is "hk333", it seems to be a samsung, and the only thing I can found on the net is other people looking how ot works... :-/ I found the datasheet of the two kind of IC which is on the backside of the display : the samsung KS0103(x2) and the KS0104(x6)... that's all! I try to check the pinout, I don't know if I have find it, but the only test I do was with the parallel port of a computer.. the only problem is that I never use a LCD before, so it's very hard to try to make it working!!! if someone can help me, maybe I can put it in my futur midibox... :-/

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Hi pilo,

a wild guess: KS0103 could be the horizontal line drivers, KS0104 the vertical line drivers. If there is no other chip on board this could mean that the module has no controller on board. This would mean that you have to provide one externally... not the best news, I guess.

Beware: I have not very much knowledge on LCDs, so this is just a guess - tell us if you find out any hard facts about the LCD!

Regards, ilmenator

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arf, I think you're right!!!! maybe using a small pic to driver the LCD maybe possible... I've got the board on which the lcd was plug, but it SMS... :(

This LD is very cheap (I heard someone who get one for $1.5....!!!! me for free). But if I can't use this one, I buy a KS0108 based LCD...  :)

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