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ilmenator last won the day on February 11 2023

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About ilmenator

  • Birthday July 1

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    Kölle, Germany

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MIDIbox Guru

MIDIbox Guru (4/4)



  1. Hi, insured and tracked shipping to France is 16,49€ with DHL.
  2. I have a bunch of these excellent industry grade Densei-Lambda (now TDK-Lambda) ZWS150AF-5 switching power supply units for sale - they have been removed from fully working LED display cabinets (the kind you use in LED walls). They are 100-240V AC input and 5V / 30A output, that is a whopping 150W of output power at 5V! These will power any MIDIbox project with ease, no matter how many LEDs / displays you want to use... Cable harnesses included as in the pictures. Asking price is 15€ each plus shipping. Located in Germany. A data sheet can be found over at Mouser: ZWS150AF5/J Datasheet (PDF)
  3. No, the DWAM board is only compatible with the Ultra series samplers, not the classic ones.
  4. Yes, absolutely. Please PM me for details, ideally including your location so I can give you a shipping quote if interested.
  5. A version v1.2 is now available - the only difference is that it allowed me to use components that were still available. Please send PM or reply here if you are interested.
  6. How much do you ask for the stm32F4 discovery board?
  7. It's still available. PM me with your location for a shipping quote.
  8. Sorry I never got back to you. Apparently, the notifications don't work (again). For now the problem has been solved, I might get back to you at a later time - thank you very much anyways!
  9. Ist das noch aktuell? Ich könnte mal nachschauen ob ich sowas noch in der MIDIbox-Kiste habe. VG, ilmenator
  10. As the title suggests: for a university project team I need one more discovery board so that each team member can work on the project from home. Anyone with a spare board please help. We are located in Köln / Germany. Thanks! -ilmenator
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