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MB speakjet


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Salut à tous, je me suis lancé dans la fabrication d' un speakjet, et j' aurais voulu savoir plusieurs choses:

1/ j' ai sifflement assez faible et assez aigu, que faire pour l' enlever?

2/ Je voudrais faire une surface de controle, seulement il n' y a pas de "midi implementation chart" pour appli software V2, qqu' un en a t il fait une? ou bien je suis une quille et il y en a une mais je ne l' ai pas trouvé?

J' ai testé appli software V1 mais ça me semble tout à fait incontrôlable. le "midi implementation chart" de V1 ne correspond pas du tout à ce que j' ai pu tester... le speakjet joue n' importe quoi et n' importe comment.

Par contre, avec V2 ça me semble beaucoup plus faisable, c' est beaucoup plus stable... c' est pour ça que je cherche the "midi implementation chart" of V2.... ;)

Voilà, j' espère qu' il y a des français qui en ont fabriqué....

Merci  ;)

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bonjour matoz,

je comprends bien le français, mais je suis très mal dans l'écrire/parler  :D

mais je vais l'essayer:

1/ c'est le SpeakJet chip. tu pouvais essayer de changer (améliorer?) le section "high-pass filter"

(on the downside, if you filter the high hiss, the output will get very dull, you can compare this by swapping your loudspeaker from the filtered output (J5) to the unfiltered one (J3) )

2/ comme j'écrit dans ma PM, tu trouve le "midi implementation chart" dans "IIC_SpeakJetMidiDefines.h";

je ne sais pas, pourquoi tu a difficultés côntroller via MIDI, j'ai un KORG microKONTROL, et c'est bon ;)




you can see (and edit) the midi implementation inside the file "IIC_SpeakJetMidiDefines.h"

I don't know why you exerience problems using Encoders (or are you trying to connect them directly to the k2 Core?. Just use any MIDI controller and send your messages via MIDI.

You can control the k2 with any MIDI device, eg a Midibox64e. I'm using a KORG MicroKONTROL.



*  IIC_SpeakJetMidiDefines.h
*  kII
*  Created by Michael Markert, audiocommander.de on 26.08.06
*  Copyright 2006 Michael Markert, http://www.audiocommander.de

* Released under GNU General Public License
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation


// include standard MIDI names
// you can then use MIDI_CC_VOLUME instead of 0x7
#include "ACMidiDefines.h"

// optimized for KORG microKONTROL
// just assign the ControlChange or Channel Numbers to the functions
// eg: CC 107 on CH 1 controls the SPEED of the SpeakJet Allophones (SJCC_SPEED)
// eg: Notes  on CH 2 trigger allophones (all phonemes) (SJCH_ALLOPHONES)
// some midi-controls are hardcoded (can't be assigned here)
// channel control messages like PITCH-WHEEL, AFTERTOUCH or PANIC and
// system realtime messages like START/STOP/CONTINUE

// ********** CHANNELS **********
// channel assignments for NOTE_ONs 0x90 and NOTE_OFFs 0x80 functions
#define SJCH_SOUNDCODES 1 // MSA Soundcodes (Allophones + FX) default 1
#define SJCH_ALLOPHONES 2 // MSA Soundcodes (Allophones) default 2
#define SJCH_FX 3 //  MSA Soundcodes (FX) default 3
#define SJCH_PITCH 4 // MSA Pitch (Note2Freq) only! No sound output! default 4
#define SJCH_VOWELS_DIPHTONGS 5 //  MSA Pitched Vowels incl. Diphtongs default 5
#define SJCH_CONSONANTS 6 // MSA Pitched Consonants  (depending on jaw & tongue)* default 6
#define SJCH_VOWELS_CONSONANTS 7 // MSA Pitched Vowels & Consonants (mixed) default 7
#define SJCH_CONSONANTS_OPEN 8 //  MSA Pitched Consonants produced by mouth opening default 8
#define SJCH_CONSONANTS_CLOSE 9 // MSA Pitched Consonants produced by mouth closing default 9
#define SJCH_PERCUSSIVE 10 // MSA Soundcodes (Percussive Consonants) default 10
#define SJCH_OSC1 11 // OSC 1 (Note2Freq, monophon) default 11
#define SJCH_OSC2 12 // OSC 2 (Note2Freq, monophon) default 12
#define SJCH_OSC3 13 // OSC 3 (Note2Freq, monophon) default 13
#define SJCH_OSC4 14 // OSC 4 (Note2Freq, monophon) default 14
#define SJCH_OSC5 15 // OSC 5 (Note2Freq, monophon) default 15
#define SJCH_OSC_SYN 16 // OSCs 1 to 5 (Note2Freq, harmonic polymode) default 16

// the following channel types can also be used, but make sure only 16 channel nums are defined!
#define SJCH_VOWELS 255 // MSA Pitched Vowels only (depending on jaw & tongue)* default 0 (n/a)
#define SJCH_DIPHTONGS 254 // MSA Pitched Diphtongs only (depending on jaw & tongue)* default 0 (n/a)

// ********** CONTROL CHANGES **********
// general
#define SJCC_CHANNEL_ASSIGNMENT_TOGGLE 17 //  switch to next channel assignment, CH1=>CH12 (channelAssignment, main.h)
#define SJCC_CHANNEL_ASSIGNMENT 18 //  set channel assignment, 0..127 => 1..16 (channelAssignment, main.h)
#define SJCC_PHRASE 9

// pauses: pause 0(0ms) / 1(100ms) / 2(200ms) / 3(700ms)
//    pause 4(30ms)/ 5(60ms)  / 6(90ms)
#define SJCC_PAUSE0 255 //   0 ms // inactive!
#define SJCC_PAUSE1 22 // 100 ms
#define SJCC_PAUSE2 23 // 200 ms
#define SJCC_PAUSE3 24 // 700 ms
#define SJCC_PAUSE4 254 //  30 ms // inactive!
#define SJCC_PAUSE5 21 //  60 ms
#define SJCC_PAUSE6 253 //  90 ms // inactive!
// modifiers: slow/low/high/fast
#define SJCC_NEXT_SLOW 25 // play next phrase ...
#define SJCC_NEXT_LOW 26
#define SJCC_NEXT_HIGH 27
#define SJCC_NEXT_FAST 28
// phrases: call phrase
#define SJCC_PHRASE0 29 // play internal phrase ...
#define SJCC_PHRASE1 30
#define SJCC_PHRASE2 31
#define SJCC_PHRASE3 32
// step phrase record (not activated by default!)
#define SJCC_PHRASE_REC_UNDO 33 // delete last recorded command
#define SJCC_PHRASE_REC_ABORT 34 // stop recording, delete buffer
#define SJCC_PHRASE_REC 35 // start recording
#define SJCC_PHRASE_REC_PREVIEW 36 // preview buffer
// harmony control (also see ACMidiProtocol.h!)
#define SJCC_HARMONY_LISTEN 37 // 64-127: listen for next note-on, 0-64: exit listen-mode
#define SJCC_HARMONY_SCALE 38 // 0-SCALE_MAX: set scale, 127: next scale
#define SJCC_HARMONY_BASE 39 // set new base note
// articulation controls
#define SJCC_MOUTH_JAW 40 // jaw position (low/mid/high)
#define SJCC_MOUTH_TONGUE 41 // tongue position (front/center/back)
#define SJCC_MOUTH_HEIGHT 42 // pitch, note-height (send only! use notes on  CH# SJCH_PITCH to receive!)
#define SJCC_MOUTH_STRESS 43 // same as bend
#define SJCC_MOUTH_SPEED 44 // same as speed
#define SJCC_MOUTH_PAUSES 45 // inserts pauses (long/short)
#define SJCC_MOUTH_PHONEME 46 // last phoneme (send only! use notes on CH# SJCH_ALLOPHONES to receive!)
// OSCx Frequency
#define SJCC_OSC1_FREQ 101
#define SJCC_OSC2_FREQ 102
#define SJCC_OSC3_FREQ 103
#define SJCC_OSC4_FREQ 104
#define SJCC_OSC5_FREQ 105
// OSCx Level
#define SJCC_OSC1_LVL 111
#define SJCC_OSC2_LVL 112
#define SJCC_OSC3_LVL 113
#define SJCC_OSC4_LVL 114
#define SJCC_OSC5_LVL 115
// OSC controls
#define SJCC_OSC_WAVESHAPE 50 // switch to next osc additive synth waveshape
#define SJCC_DISTORTION 118 // distortion level (mix) for OSCs 4 & 5
// ENV controls
#define SJCC_ENV_OSC_A 53 // ENV on/off for OSCs 1 to 3
#define SJCC_ENV_OSC_B 54 // ENV on/off for OSCs 4 and 5 (half enveloped only)
#define SJCC_ENV_OSC_TGL 52 // toggle ENV on/off for OSC groups (00, 01, 10, 11)
#define SJCC_ENV_WAVESHAPE 116 // set ENV Waveshape 1:0..31, 2:32..63, 3:64..95, 4:96..127
#define SJCC_ENV_WAVESHAPE_TGL 51 // switch to next envelope waveshape, also see SJCC_ENV_TYPE
#define SJCC_ENV_FREQ 106
#define SJCC_SYNTH_ENV 56 // ENV on/off for Additive Synthesis
// speech params
#define SJCC_SPEED 107 // same as SJCC_MOUTH_SPEED
#define SJCC_BEND 117
#define SJCC_MASTER_VOL 108

// Joystick X/Y: Pitch / Env Freq
#define SJCC_FREQ MIDI_POLY_AFTER // same as bend





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Salut Mickael, merci pour ta réponse, avec le midi implementation chart, le projet de surface de contrôle va se concrétiser, j' étudie en ce moment les contrôles que j' ai besoin d' avoir sous la main en live.

Par contre je me suis aperçu que tu avais raison, j' ai bien un problème de MIDI: je suis obligé de brancher SEQV3 (qui séquence le speakjet) en fin de "ligne" car sinon la synchro est perdue pour toutes mes autres machines.

Alors que sans speakjet, je peux mettre en synchro toutes mes machines en dérivation Midi (je me suis fabriqué un pseudo merger avec plein de prises midi que j' ai branché en dérivation (parallèle) sur lequel j' envoie une synchro, et je branche toutes mes machines dessus).

Le module Core sur lequel le speakjet est branché semble être bon (j' arrive à charger n' importe quelle application très bien). Le problème doit venir du speakjet. Je fais des tests et je vous tiens au courant.

Salut à vous....

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salut :)

(sorry, the following is too hard for me to write in french) : it may be that the MIDI clock manager of the kII introduces problems to your setup; it has a master-/slave detection; I don't know exactly what happens in this version when there are many devices working together -

I worked a lot recently on the sync module, but for the ACSensorizer and not for kII, because there weren't many users building this project. I'm currently extremely busy, but if you concretise your problems with the sync, I may release an update for you.



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