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"Adult" service manuals? NSFW


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you might find that those keys just had some corrosion that rubbed off

I'll try to go look back at the manual tonight to see how hard that stuff is to get to or if they even use the same type of contact system as regulars. The way it came back is a bit confusing though. When they were out, I tapped them repeatedly, squashed them down and everything else I could think of to get any sign of life happening, then with it still just sitting on the stand, I turn it back on and two more have shown up. Maybe a connector or something needs to be reseated. I've been keeping the heat off in the room I'm working in until I get out there at night, so there are some pretty extreme temperature changes over a couple hours. Still seems weird that it would pick three specific, non-consecutive keys though.

Thanks for the interest!


PS- Obviously a bit intimidated here. I cleaned some contacts in my Roland (unweighted) years ago and it was pretty risky. Lots of spring loaded plastic crap that can suddenly jump out at you with no hint as to where it came from.

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