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I have complete my Mbox64, but I have a problem, when I give power to the core modul I get in the LCD this:

T.KLOSE 64 (it counts from 1 to 64 and stops)

     © 2001  T.KLOSE

and nothing more hapens. I don´t get any midi events.

Is this normal ?

If I disconect the LCD I still don´t get any midi events.

I check the 1k pull-up at pin RA4 (core module: R2). the 10k pull-up at pin RD1 (core module: R9), and the 1.2k pull-up at the tx pin (core module: R6)  and they are connected properly.



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The count up is normal. The leds of the DOUTx4 should also play a certain pattern. Do they do that?

After the count up the LCD sould normally switch to the display where the pot names and the values and so on are displayed.

Very weird, really.

For me it seems like a burning error. Try to reburn the PIC (perhaps even download the hexfile again).

Does the 7805 get very hot?

Also a possibility: Unplug all DINs DOUTs and AINs (you have to pull those to the ground, like described in the schematic!!). If its counting up and switching to the value display now, you know whats up.

Hope I could help you, again: very weird!! :-/

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