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IR Sensor Faders was Re: Infrared Distance Sensor


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okay you are right.

i use distance sensors, but just as on off triggers.

the plan is: build a fader out of sensors under a plexi glass, also some buttons, etc. all packed waterproof and beerproof.

i'm afraid, it will not work with hevy strobo use - but hey, its a fun project.

i used a atmel atmega16 for the "fader" (i call it fader, because for me its like one ;) ) i like the atmel because i think its easier to programm. connected are 14 distance sensors, 2 leds at each sensors and on top and bottom 3 red led's.

the atmel uses two of its IO pins to connect with the midibox.

For the first prototype, we emulated the beavior of an encoder.

maybe there are other ways possible. but im not so good in programming, but im willing to learn - a friend of mine did the programming part. its programmed in C.

we have still 2 emtpy io pins - so there is place for more. we thought about playing pong with 6 or 8 faders in a row. :D

i can provide the wiring diagramm, the code and everything you need (except the parts :( i ordered 250 of this cool sensors at ebay)

we thought also about using the analog inputs of the atmel, and connecting just 8 faders - but analog.

multiplexing the in and output it would be possible, to connect far more encoders on one atmel


i have a few questions:

- how would you include that part into the midibox hardware? there are 4 io pins left and we can create nearly every digital output we want :)

- is somebody interested in trying the same?

- should i open a wiki page? :)

and now, some pix of the working monster

cheers, leonard




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