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SmashTV midiboxSID power supply (n00b question)


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Hi guys

This is my first post so hello everyone.

I have built up a single SID module and core module using the Kit's from SmashTV, the build went pretty well but I am a bit stuck on how to power it (being an electronics novice). Had a bit of a search but I think for a beginner like me its probably best to ask and not blow up my midibox :)

I was thinking of getting a 15v adapter and regulating that down to 9v for the Core AND power the sid module straight from it. Does this sound a sensible plan? I was looking at a 500mA 15v wallwart (this one to be precise), super cheap but will it be enough to power the core, the SID and a backlit LCD?

Thanks in advance for your help

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the core needs 5v.. :o

The SmashTV kit has a 7805 which regulates the voltage down to 5v. The documentation says requires 7v-10v so i was just going to regulate down to 9 so that i can go straight into the core board to the 7805 can take it down to the required 5v.

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I am also a noob but I did some calculations and with my basic setup from Smash, 15v 1A was plenty.  If you are worried, it is better to go high on the amps (that's what I did). 

To get the precise answer, just figure out what you are going to build in terms of options, look at all your components, and then add all your amp draws up.  If they are less than 500mA, you'll be fine.  If not, you risk damaging something.

As far as I can tell, one of the main variables is the LCD you choose.  Different ones can have fairly different mA requirements.

Good luck ;D

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Thanks Snoozr :)

That sounds good to me, might as well go for 1A for an extra £3. I was a little concerned that 1A might be too much and blow something to pieces but if you've done it and it hasn't exploded yet then I should be fine.

thanks for your help :)

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15V is heading into "too much" territory. I hope you got a hefty heatsink on the vregs!

If you're a n00b, then get a C64 PSU and build the optimised circuit.

Edit: What does this thread have to do with smash? Or are you just advertising for him? ;)

Edit2: Cleaned up the tags a bit.

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haha no deliberate advertisement, Its just i got the kits from smash so i thought it best make that clear to avoid confusion.

I've just had a look at the c64 PSU circuit and you are right, it makes perfect sense to get myself an old C64 and use the PSU and connector from it even though it does seem a shame to pull a c64 apart. I ordered my SID from ebay so Its kind of like eating meat, where I didn't have to kill the cow (computer) myself ;)

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haha no deliberate advertisement, Its just i got the kits from smash so i thought it best make that clear to avoid confusion.

I've just had a look at the c64 PSU circuit and you are right, it makes perfect sense to get myself an old C64 and use the PSU and connector from it even though it does seem a shame to pull a c64 apart. I ordered my SID from ebay so Its kind of like eating meat, where I didn't have to kill the cow (computer) myself ;)

If you smile sweetly then Wilba may be able to help you out with the PSU socket and switch. It would save butchering a C64 and a great deal of postage as you could just buy the PSU then.


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I was a little concerned that 1A might be too much and blow something to pieces but if you've done it and it hasn't exploded yet then I should be fine.

That's what I originally thought too.  But the circuit will only draw what it needs, up to the limit of your PSU.  Think of it like your bank account.  If you only have 500 "milli-euros/yen/dollars/whatever" in there, then you can take out any amount up to that.  However, if you try to take out more, you will have a problem.  :'(  It's better to have a bit extra in your bank account than too little.

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