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How to test just DINX4 quickly?


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So I have my core + LCD (albeit the tiniest LCD in the world) + DINX4 all built and connected. lcd_interconnection_test_v1a runs fine and, as far as I can tell, passes. srio_interconnection_test_v1a runs fine and the correct voltages are measured in the correct places.

Now I would just like to connect some switches to the DINX4 and see that I get a Midi signal back in MIOS Studio. I tried downloading midibox64/midibox64e, but I get the usual tidal wave of messages back from the core - is this due to the open AIN connector?

I was wondering whether there is a standard, simple, DINX4-only test application lying around somewhere, or do I go in to the code and create my own?

Thanks in advance for any hints...

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Thanks - I tried this one already for the SR/RC voltages, but must've missed the bit about testing the individual DIN inputs. From reading the main.asm I get the impression that, for this application, I have to trigger the clock "by hand" (using a modulation wheel signal) to pump the data out of the registers? Or, if I set the mod wheel to 0, will the application automatically clock out the data to the core?

(I guess I also need to go and edit the asm a little to make the most of my 2x8 display, so that I can actually see something meaningful  :) )

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