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mb-6582: modifications from users?


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Thanks to TK and Wilba for the very nice and sexy project mb-6582. Starting from the Wilba's design, is there anyone thinking of modifications for his own sid midibox ?

Just an idea (maybe wrong)... but is there still some empty space in the box ?

Idea: being able to hear in headphone the sound from a channel before to send it through main output

Why: currently, you have to manipulate an external mixer


- to add a headphone plugin in bottom-right of the surface, with volume control

- to add an output channel selector in the front-left of the surface, with a volume control and a on/off switch for each of the 4 stereo channels

- optionally, to add a main sound output to the back

Even if I read midibox forums for years, I just suscribed and this is my first message :)

(I am very motivated to do my own box)

So if anyone dreams of (or already did some) modifications from Wilba's design, please share your ideas !

Thanks again,


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Welcome aboard dude!

Just an idea (maybe wrong)... but is there still some empty space in the box ?



- to add a headphone plugin in bottom-right of the surface, with volume control

- to add an output channel selector in the front-left of the surface, with a volume control and a on/off switch for each of the 4 stereo channels

Hahah NO there's not room, especially in the front! Take a look at the pics ;)

- optionally, to add a main sound output to the back

That might be doable... I actually thought there already was one hahah

So if anyone dreams of (or already did some) modifications from Wilba's design, please share your ideas !

I'll be making one like his, and two in racks with some bells and whistles...

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A single mixed main out does exist on the 6582.  It's a small jack above the power switch.  There are resistors near the output jacks that need to be adjusted down in value to get a decent mix volume.  I'd suggest a value, but I'm still working on getting mine to sound right... so you might want to hold off on soldering those in.

See the section in the wiki titled "What’s the purpose of the J70 header?" for more info.

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Yes, I read that. That modification is doable.

stryd_one has right... there is no space enough.

Maybe for 4 on/off switchs on up-left and 1 volume control for headphone on bottom-right, it could be done? not sure.


Wilba, tell us if there is enough space on your pcb design to add something (even with some additional wires).

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Wilba, tell us if there is enough space on your pcb design to add something (even with some additional wires).

I guess with some care you could mount something in those places.

But it would be easier to just customize the rear panel. Modify the FPD file to remove the hole for the fan, and then put in holes for whatever switches and potentiometers you want.

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