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Firebox controller for ableton


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I have decided to post my weekly updates on here. I will be building a 4 channel controller for ableton using concepts from the Maven, Mackie and Aurora controllers and also from my own personal design concepts.

parts from smashtv. very professional!


midi box core and other stuff almost complete


testing the ain for the first time


determining the layout


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i have a bunch of tact switches, leds, and knobs arriving in the next week, so once i decide on the parts i am going to start building the front panel.

i've started a design in front panel express but i find it difficult to measure. anyone know of a similar cad program i can use?

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Continuing from the old thread...

didnt change anything. simply substituted the pot for the fader and the pic would reset. the fader might be damaged ill have to try another one.

Ahh, so it works with pots and not with the fader?

It may be damaged. You can test it with a multimeter or an LED (+resistor in series). Make sure you check the datasheet to be sure you have the right pinout

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If you look at the AIN page:


...you'll notice it mentions you need two for a full-featured MB64. In other words, two is the most a core can support. Another way to find this out would be to see how many components a project can handle, and figure how many modules that equals. Also, I came out of lurking to answer your question... hooray me. :D

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Wow talk about getting mixed up! Hehehe

does anyone know how many DINS / DOUTs the Mbox64 can support?

First link in my signature ;)

Is it two each?

Or four?

Up to 128 DIN pins, and 128 DOUT pins, which is 4* DOUTx4 boards and 4* DINx4 boards - each D*x4 board has up to 4 Shift Registers, each providing 8 pins, for a max of 32 pins per board. It helps to get your terminology correct to avoid confusion.

If you look at the AIN page:

Well, that's AINs, and that's different to DINs; but you were on the right website, and for AINs your answer was correct. I'm glad you un-lurked!

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If you look at the AIN page:


...you'll notice it mentions you need two for a full-featured MB64. In other words, two is the most a core can support. Another way to find this out would be to see how many components a project can handle, and figure how many modules that equals. Also, I came out of lurking to answer your question... hooray me. :D

currently i have two AINs which supports my 64 pot mixer.

i was just curious as I had seen places where mention using 4 DOUTS / DINS on a single core.

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currently i have two AINs which supports my 64 pot mixer.

i was just curious as I had seen places where mention using 4 DOUTS / DINS on a single core.

2 ains and 4 douts = 2 knobs and 4 leds. You have two AIN MODULES and 4 DOUTx4 MODULES.

It helps to get your terminology correct to avoid confusion.

Especially when incorrect terminology has already been used and confusion already abounds ;D

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2 ains and 4 douts = 2 knobs and 4 leds. You have two AIN MODULES and 4 DOUTx4 MODULES.

Especially when incorrect terminology has already been used and confusion already abounds ;D

ok well hopefully my two DINS and two DOUTS will be sufficient

i ordered two EHC alluminum knobs today. they are fantastic, but incredibly expensive.

anyone know any alternatives?

here is the link to the EHC knob


i have about 54 knobs on my mixer so buying the EHC knobs would cost roughly $250

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spare a knob for an poor midibox bum?


Let me make another attempt at being helpful and ask: Have you considered sites like Futurlec? Of course their stuff isn't as nice as the ones you're looking at by a long shot, and they can be a little slow on the shipping side. It may or may not be worth the trade-off.


Oh, sorry about bringing up the AIN module. I totally thought I was on the ball there.! :-[

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im trying to get my initial prototype working with ableton.

i've noticed that when I turn a single pot the CC changes. Examining the C code I uploaded it shows that a CC note is sent when the pin voltage change (ie: when i move the pot). The CC note should not change when the pot moves, but it should be sent to ableton indicating that the CC note occurred.

Can't seem to figure out why the CC note is changing when i turn the pot. Software looks ok, as does the hardware.

Is there something I am missing?


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1) Can you paste code? I might have trouble guessing it exactly ;)

2) There's no suchanimal as a CC note.... You mean CC channel, number or value?

The CC note should not change when the pot moves, but it should be sent to ableton indicating that the CC note occurred.

void AIN_NotifyChange(unsigned char pin, unsigned int pin_value) __wparam
  MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(0x7f);  // or whatever you wann send
That's all you need.... I'm guessing yours is more like


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1) Can you paste code? I might have trouble guessing it exactly ;)

2) There's no suchanimal as a CC note.... You mean CC channel, number or value?

void AIN_NotifyChange(unsigned char pin, unsigned int pin_value) __wparam
  MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(0x7f);  // or whatever you wann send
That's all you need.... I'm guessing yours is more like


yes sorry, CC channel

yes the function


is called


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ok so back to the AIN_NotifyChange() function

void AIN_NotifyChange(unsigned char pin, unsigned int pin_value) __wparam
  // a pot has been moved, send CC#<pin-number> at channel 1
	MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(0xb0);	// channel 1
	MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(pin);	// pin #
  MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(MIOS_AIN_Pin7bitGet(pin)); // 7bit pot value

  // notify display handler in DISPLAY_Tick() that AIN value has changed
  last_ain_pin = pin;
  app_flags.DISPLAY_UPDATE_REQ = 1;

when i move a single pot the pin value changes, i would like it such that when i move a pot the following MIDI events occur:

CC channel 1

Pot #


When I move a single pot (say pot #1), using the above code the "pin" value changes. Any reason why?

Assuming a pot only has one pin assigned to it.

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