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Simple 2 channel midi mixer for scratch


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ok this is problebly a stupid question but here it goes..

I need a simple 2 channel midi mixer with a scratch cross-fader (pro-x fader for exemple...)

Is there some place i can get the complete plan for building that??

Can i mod a normal analog mixer to make it midi?

Can i mod a cheap midi mixer like X-Session pro with a scratch cross fader? (This whould be great!!!!)

heres is why i need this type of mixer.. there are NONE available at the market rigth now...

(There are only 4 channel mixers with midi and scratch faders...)

I wanna get into Video Mixing, but im a scratch DJ so i wanna do both things with a small portable mixer,

i wanna use it with VDJ for exemple... help anyone??

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Hi didn't want a scratchwheel or similar.

just use the "read" function of the forum  ;P


Hi, I've been working on and off on a MIDIBox-based portable scratching solution. I have a scratch-capable crossfader hooked up to midibox and working fine (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8e2hHiw1fk) and the next step is some sort of scratch wheel.

Rasteri has built a scratch-capable crossfader. you can see that in the youtube video (though the sound is not in sync with the video, but that's a known youtube problem). So done84 could just ask rasteri how he did that.

The thread is named "scratch wheel" because rasteri didn't want to stop at that point, but move on to a scratchwheel.

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Tip: scratching xfaders are logarithmic response so they don't translate well to digital use (midibox for example)

You'll want to go with infinium faders if you're really choosy because they're dj-targetted, and available in a linear response.

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Thanks for the tip on infinium faders! =)

Let me try to explain my point better...

Im a dj for about 10 years and i dont like digital controlling things like jog-wheels, only vinyl...

I use serato scratch to mix, but i wanna get into video mixing but with scratch.

With VDJ and the serato box i can do it, but i need a midi mixer to control VDJ's internal mixer, thats where the problem is because there not a single 2 channel scratch mixer on the market rigth now... (preety stupid but its true!!)

I know about Rasteri's scratch-capable crossfader. But thats only a box with a fader and no one can dj with just that... i need the eq and gain potentiometers, the channel and master faders, etc...

There are a few controllers out there but all with jog-wheels, or 4 channel really expensive mixers...

How about the X-Session pro? Can i put a Infinium fader on that??

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Moding should be alot easyer than building a brand new box rigth?

Does anyone have some info on how to replace the normal cross-fader with a scratch fader??

Of course - pull out the old one, screw in the new one. Of course, they have to be the same spec, same size, etc

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi done84,

I am in the process of building exactly the same thing you are planning to.

I use timecoded vinyl & wanted a midi scratch solution.

I have hooked up the infinium crossfader to the midibox core & it works fantastically.

The beauty of the infinium is it costs a quarter the price of other specialist third party scratch crossfaders and is non contact so should last forever. (hopefully)

The infinium fader is powered 3.3 volts and gives out 0v to 3.3v in analogue mode.

This is not enough to get the full range needed for MIOS (0v to 5v) unless the signal is amplified.

To amplify the signal you will need a rail to rail op amp which I havn't tried & I'm not sure will even give you the full range. I havn't tried.

Or a regular opamp with a higher supply voltage to overcome the voltage loss of the op amp itself.

This means you cannot power the fader & associated circuit from the 5v the Midibox core gives you.

I have not amplified the faders signal to as I have overcome this problem by programming the core to meet my needs.

My fader basically jumps from 0 midi value to 63 then to 127 depending on the fader's position.

I have programmed a pot to adjust the cut in point,

This may not be suitable for everyone as there is no fading, just instant cut in.

But is perfect for me and my scratching.

You will still need to buffer the signal from the fader with an op amp. this is very simple.

If you need any help I'm more than happy to share my limited knowledge.



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