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Hi all.

I am new here, but I have read all the FAQ's and preliminary info and have a few questions.

First off, my goal is to make a control surface to use with Vegas Pro 8, almost entirely for video editing.  Vegas has the ability to use a Mackie control right out of the box, so I know that some sort of midi control is possible.  Based on this I figured that the best (only?) way to go would be to make a MidiBox LC. Would I be correct in assuming this?  Has anyone here made anything like this, primarily for video?

Here is a small list of the features I would like:

1. play/stop/preview/etc controls

2. jog/shuttle dial

3. I would like to have at least 4 tracks controllable at any one time, with the ability to switch all of them instantly (EX tracks 1-4 are displayed and controllable.  Push a button and now tracks 5-8 are shown, push again for tracks 9-12 etc)

4. indicator lights indicating what video track parameters are set to (EX if a track is set to solo only it would be lit)

5. graphical or character LCDs for each track showing the track number and any other useful info.

6. controls for the external preview monitor, switching things like safe area margins on/off, and split screen view

7. controls for tool selection, and per track options like bypass motion blur and transparency

Is any/all of this possible with Vegas?  Could most of it be done with dual or triple MidiBox 64s, or would a MidiBox LC be the only option?

In terms of construction I have great capabilities, but I am lacking in the software area.  Any comments or advice would be appreciated!

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