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My midi cross fader for scratching


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Hi All,

I thought I might share with you my midibox project.

Its a work in progress, I hope it wont always be though.

I wanted a decent cross fader for scratching, with a digital vinyl system. I chose the infinium www.infiniumtechnologies.com 45 mm fader as it is cheaper than a lot of other third party scratch faders.

I've hooked it up to the core module via the AIN.

As it only gives out 3.3v, It doesnt give full range, but I'm only interested in cutting signals in and out, so am not worried about that.

So, its either left, centre or right, no fading. The cut in distance is adjustable via a pot.

It works great, with no discernable lag.

so if anyone wants a scratch fader for their midibox, this is a great option.

I'll post some photos or a video if anyone would like to see it in action.



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I've hooked it up to the core module via the AIN.

As it only gives out 3.3v, It doesnt give full range, but I'm only interested in cutting signals in and out, so am not worried about that.

So, its either left, centre or right, no fading.

You could always use TK's nice scaling algo to get some control out of it. Not much point using a nice fast scratch fader if it could be replaced with a couple of switches ;)

Course, I'd look at a simple opamp based circuit to sort it out electronically...

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