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Noob, hello and is this possible?


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Hello all

I've kept an eye on the whole midibox world for a while now and have been very impressed by some of the things I've seen. I reckon I have the necessary noodle to build something simple at least, I program computers for a living and have built a few project kits including effects pedals and my largest project was an Oakley Sound VCF-1.

I recently hit on the need for a simple but specific MIDI gadget and suddenly thought it could be the perfect excuse to dive into midibox.

I need a gadget that can receive MIDI data on one channel and pass it on unaltered apart from the channel it is being transmitted on. I'd like to be able to select the new channel with buttons or a rotary control. I think this falls under the title of MIDI processor or filter and I've seen the link on uCapps.de to the MIDI processor/filter project.

The other idea I had was an "in-line program/bank change numeric keypad". I have a Moog Little Phatty and it only has up and down for program change. It'd be cool if you could type in patch numbers directly.

So my question is, before I get my hands dirty, is it safe to say that either project is within the capability of the MBHP core platform?



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Welcome aboard dada!

First off I should ask you to Please Read Before Posting New Topics: What is a "User Project"? ;)

Anyway, yes! Both of these projects are very simple and can be done with a very small effort. The core will probably have enough power left over to bake you a cake while you make a tune ;) Do you have any experience with programming in C? Fortunately, even if you have to learn C, the things you want to do are quite basic so the learning curve will be nice and shallow.

I'd recommend checking out the C examples, so that you can see how the encoders, buttons, and MIDI IO are handled. Also, the function reference will be handy.

Is there anything in particular leaving you puzzled at this point?

Good luck!

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Thanks guys

I did! Although it was clearly lost on me :) Thanks for putting in correct forum.

Anyway, yes! Both of these projects are very simple and can be done with a very small effort.


Is there anything in particular leaving you puzzled at this point?

Nope. I'll get stuck in reading/googling/searching the forum for now and see where I am after that.


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