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My humble plans and lots of questions...


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So I (finaly) recieved my activation email, so i can ask some proper questions

First, let me introduce myself a bit.

I'm 20 years old guy from Czech republic, I was studying electricity for 2 years on school and have been kicked out after 2 years. Now I'm studying how to be a plumber (omg). I've been into djing for like year and half (only Virtual Dj with 2 soundcards and external mixer). Last year I've came across wonderfull software called Ableton Live, and I've been hooked up ever since, realizing that this software can satisfy me more as an artist. I bought BCR2000 from Behringer to control Ableton, but hands down, endless knobs (encoders) are not my cup of tea. I've also changed my musical taste (from DnB to minimal techno & dubstep).

As long as i can remember, I was exited about way how FL studio (known as Fruity loops back in the days) works. I mean I was amazed by simplicity, really enjoyed working with that sequencer... But controling it with mouse, you know it just didn't felt good. Recently I've even wrote simple script in AutoHotKeys (amazing aplication to tell you the truth) to control that step sequencer matrix, but once again, it's not a real thing.

So that's why i'm here :)

After bit of research for suitable ste sequencer, finding that everything costs so much goddamn money, and have functions i do not want, I've ended up here. I have read all those articles about SEQ  3.3 I could find, and I think that's exactly what I want to build. So, question time...

1. I was talking with stryd_one on chat about how to connect SEQ thru my BCR2000 to my laptop. He told me it was possible, even with some wild and for me really unimaginable way. I was thinking a bit about using those midi->usb cables I've seen all over Ebay ect. And i also saw your GM5 usb module.

So my question is, what are pros and cons of these two???

2. I love SEQ done by Halucinogen (see link http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=2608.0) It's just the size i what to achieve. But isn't it just too small? I mean when you try to put all those pcbs and parts to such a small box and than put buttons and encoders on top, that should be a hell of the job, right?

3. I'm planing to make front panel from acrylic plate, with square hole for buttons. Does anyone know some easy way how to make those holes???

4. Are some orange LCDs outhere ??? :-)

Thanks a lot for answers, they will help me shape concept idea of my final product.

P.S. I apretiate and admire all work done by Thorsten and people around here. Nice work!!!!

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Welcome on board! :)

1. I was talking with stryd_one on chat about how to connect SEQ thru my BCR2000 to my laptop. He told me it was possible, even with some wild and for me really unimaginable way. I was thinking a bit about using those midi->usb cables I've seen all over Ebay ect. And i also saw your GM5 usb module.

So my question is, what are pros and cons of these two???

I cannot recomment to connect MBSEQ thru a BCR2000.

USB-MIDI interfaces of some Behringer devices are unreliable, and I guess that it will also add some unwanted latency and especially jitter which leads to unstable clock timings.

I would propose to use a GM5 based interface instead - I don't want to promote Ploytech, but so far I haven't seen any other MIDI interface in the past 15 years which works so stable and with such a good performance. The price (for the midibox.org community) doesn't speak for itself - because they could sell the chip for 100 EUR and it would still be worth the money!

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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2. I love SEQ done by Halucinogen (see link http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=2608.0) It's just the size i what to achieve. But isn't it just too small? I mean when you try to put all those pcbs and parts to such a small box and than put buttons and encoders on top, that should be a hell of the job, right?

it is, we are diving into artisan work here

3. I'm planing to make front panel from acrylic plate, with square hole for buttons. Does anyone know some easy way how to make those holes???

yes! with a CNC machine

4. Are some orange LCDs outhere Huh :-)

crystalfontz make them iirc

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TK: Ok, you've convinced me... I was checking GM5 couple minutes ago, and it seems ok....

... but i have no idea hot to solder that smd chip. This could be really hard for me as I did not solder anything for like 3 years, and never solder any smd. I'll try to ask my teachers at school for help. I'm really afraid of fucking it up, but what the heck, it's 25 euro max.

Question: Can i add AIN to the CORE for some additional pots?? Or will be there some spare room on DIN for few encs? I just want to add some knobs to send CCs to control few ableton things like scroll thru instruments/FXs etc.

cimo: Hey there boss  ;)

2. I'm sure there's some black magic involved. There's no way that you could put all those stuff in such small box.

Ok, maybe it's voodoo :)

3. Yeah, I was just checking it out. After like 3 hours of searching I found perfect solution. Water-jet-cutting (hope u will get the idea). Many companys are doing this in this country and they also cut metal, glass and even stone (that should be ehm, exotic at least  8) )

4. I've bump into crystalfontz right before I was about to post a reply in here. Nice stuff. But unfortunatly, I cannot find any other LCD but white/black, blue/white, and yellow/black. Am I supposed to be looking for 40x2 char display, right?

So, my image about how it should looks like is coming together, and I'm solving some stuff before I'll recieve money. Then I'll order parts from Mike's shop (pretty friendly) and other shops. And then parts will come and funny part should start  :D

At least I hope it will be fun :)

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