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Newbie attempting dev environment setup - Missing mkmk.pl ?


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I have spent ages trawling the Wiki, the forums etc. gleaning all the information I can on getting up and running with developing for my shiny new MIOS kit - so I *hope* this won't be a typical, seen-it-100-times-before newbie question, but I am prepared to be wrong...

I believe I have followed all instructions to the letter, but I have run into a brick wall with compiling even a skeleton application on OSX.  The Wiki guide talks about an mkmk.pl script in the /tools directory, but I've downloaded everything I can find and there is no mkmk.pl to be found anywhere.  Have these instructions perhaps changed since the code restructure in the summer?

If anyone can put me out of my misery and shed some light, I would be much obliged.


- Paul

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Hi Thorsten,

I followed the instructions in the Wiki: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=how_to_use_xcode2_as_ide_on_a_mac

I downloaded the MIOS base package from http://www.ucapps.de/mios/mios_base_v1_0b.zip  from the downloads page as indicated on http://www.ucapps.de/mios_c.html

gputils and sdcc are installed fine as far as I can tell.


- Paul

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Thought I'd better leave a follow-up:  I can compile apps from the command-line ok, but building from within Xcode3 is still beyond me.  If anyone has got any tips on how to do it (set up the target etc.) I'm all ears, but at least I can use it for code editing for now, and just re-make everything from a terminal window.


- Paul

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  • 3 years later...

hi folks. i'm trying to setup a development environment on ubuntu. i've got a base ubuntu installation set up.

now i'm trying to figure out how to compile an app for ubuntu. i downloaded the source code for one app (yes, the app runs on the n900) to test. the app is written in C.

my thinking: since the n900 is ARM based and most gcc compilers do x86 compilation, is there anything else i need to setup on ubuntu?

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