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Sid stuck, Helppp..

Guest peshay

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Guest peshay

Here i am all excited as i found a c64 laying inside a hidden room/closet in the walls (actually next to my bed) ...and now i cant get the sid out of its socket aaargh..  :( so any tips on how i should get it out. its really really stuck. is it supposed to be this way or did the assemblyline worker just have a bad day and took this out on my c64 by deciding to glue  the sh*t out of it?

so who has the magic advice  to save my sid from my brute force methods?

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If some ICs are stuck really hard in there, I try the following:

Take a small knife ("Taschenmesser") and try to assemble it right between the IC and the socket (this can be hard - especially when the IC is really pushed in there very tight - so try to be very carefull here so you dont break something). Push the knife all through to the other end so you can see it coming out again on the other side.

Now pull it to either side of the ICs so it is touching the pins of that side. Now *CAREFULLY* rotate the knife so that the pins on that side are pushed up a little (if you rotate to hard or to much you will bend the pins of the other side).

Do the same on the other side (again only pulling the pins up only a little bit).

Now that both pin rows are pushed up a little, the IC should come out very easiliy.

This way always worked for me, every chip I´m getting out in this way still works!  :D

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Hello again!  Well, I suggest that you go to Maplin (or another electronics shop) and by an IC extractor.  These are like tweezers, but with 90 degree hooks at each end.  They sell for 80p in the UK (so probably about 1.2 Euro).  So far I pulled out 4 SID chips, all easy and no damage.  I was glad I did because you are right, you do have to pull quite hard.  Here's a picture of a toolkit - it's the item on the right next to the screwdriver:


Think about how much a SID chip is worth to you, and how much one of these tools is.


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Guest peshay

Hi again, i havent tried to pull it out since last time but i think i will buy the tool u suggest. onlyt problem the link doesnt seem to work :-/ well i guess the guy at the ellectronics store will know what i mean , but i was just curious what it looks like :) u got another picture?

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Guest peshay

never mind i finally got it, i jammed the smallest screw drivers (like the ones for watches) under it at both sides, and slightly turned them ....with lots of force hahha..but it worked and no harm done.. ;D

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