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midiboxSEQ V2 LCD trouble


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its been a while since i powered up my mbSEQ the last time. but it was working good.

now i started it again and suddendly the 2nd  2x40 lcd just shows some strange horizontal lines.

the pattern of lines changes as i turn knobs or change menus.

i checked all the data lines as well as the enable lines with my DMM and everithing seems correctly wired. no shorts etc...

so now i'm a little clueless where to look next or what happened.

best regards,


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okay - just connected lcd 2 to the same enable line as lcd 1.

LCD1 is working, LCD2 shows strange lines again.

strange thing is i cant see ANY characters from the standard character set.

just a bunch of horizontal lines that are randomnly connected by dots.

when i switch menu pages the pattern change is deterministic.

so it will always show the same line pattern for the same menu.

if i turn some encoders i can see the pattern change. but it changes on a lot of places on the display on a per pixel basis

could it be that my display controller is fried?

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Sounds that way... I'd still be looking at the cable... Sometimes a meter won't detect dodgy solder joints. Try measuring resistance on each cable before you splash out on a new LCD. If some have a very high resistance compared to the others, you might have a dry joint.

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I don't think it's a cable issue. If a character LCD is showing things that are definitely not characters, it's probably broken, unless it's being weird because of insufficient current... there's no way that even garbage input can make it display per-pixel patterns.

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I don't think it's a cable issue.

Me neither, very unlikely... but worth the two minutes of checking before spending $$ on a new LCD,

(it just occurred to me, that you'd also throw out the old supposedly-dead one, after soldering in the new one - and fixing the cable at the same time... double bummer!)


there's no way that even garbage input can make it display per-pixel patterns.

I have actually seen that happen...

so yeh, quickly test, but .... the LCD is toast.

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hmmm strange...  the SEQ wasn't even connected to a psu since i used it the last time. how can an LCD just brake? O_o

I allready reflowed all of the solder joints yesterday. till not working.

i think i'll measure everything again tonight, and if i don't find any fault i'll have to get a new LCD :P

so long,


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