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DIY Synth samples ... I really enjoy listening to them!


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I have various MP3's on my computer which are samples of synths and modifications... I love listening to them (several times in a row sometimes)! I find just these small snippets as enjoyable as a whole finnished off song song because you actually get to really hear the synth play. Does anybody else do this?

My favourites are some of the MB-SID baseline demos and some x0xb0x distortion mod samples. I'll be posting links to some of my favourites when I get round to tracking down the original sources. Can people please post their favourites here too.

http://www.acidvoice.com/images/x0ximages/x0x_distortion_1.mp3 - Really liking this one, Shows how bitey the x0xb0x can be with mods! (From acidvoice's x0xb0x with custom mod)

http://www.ucapps.de/mp3/midibox_sid/mbsidv2_bassline_demo5.mp3 -  Bassline number 5 - One of the mp3's I play to people when I'm trying to persuade them that the heap of electronics on my desk isn't going to sound like a C64. Nice and long too :)


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Post removed because this forum is packed with whiny little gutless bitches

I don't think i've explained myself correctly here, probably shouldn't have used the word "demo"... I'm not talking external effects. I mean things like the bassline demos that have been done fo MB-SID, the sound samples on the wiki, several x0xb0x clips that have been flying about with the various modifications to get extra overdrive.

Not focussed on music as such, moreso the sounds that the thing can make... Whenever somebody wants to demonstrate a particular bit of their synth they try to make it sound as dirty as hell. When a synth is put in to music or external effects, it becomes difficult ot hear the raw sound from it, you don't get chance to here the un-adulterated synth play.

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Post removed because this forum is packed with whiny little gutless bitches

Did I miss somebody being whiny and gutless? ... Damn!

I know it seems like a bit of a daft thread, but I want to get a collection of really good demo samples together as I think it'd be usefull and may get more people interested in DIY synths that they would ahev otherwise disregarded.

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Hmm yeh.

Anyway It's trashed so this thread can stay as a collection point. I usually don't delete posts but it'll only let the troll have his way and kill the thread.

I thought of the entries in a patch contest but dammit... I can only find patches, not audio samples :(

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