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MIOS Tables

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I am looking for information regarding the MIOS tables.

I am wanting to convert my 8 DIN to be controlled by note on/off messages rather than controllers.

I am taking this message in the MIOS tables file to be the section I am looking for

128 buttons and LEDs assigned to MIDI events "B0 00 <value>" to "B0 7F <value>"

Is this correct.

If so is there a list of strings that correspond to the values? If not I will try to compile one.\



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Hi Sephult,

a list of MIDI events can be found here:


It would be very helpful if you could compile a special list for MIOS users (it could be included under HOWTOs->mios_tables.inc) - the coding is simple when hexadecimal numbers are used:

B stands for "MIDI controller"

0 for the MIDI channel (0-15 == channel 1-16)

the next 7-bit value indicates the MIDI controller number

Note On events: use 9 instead of B

Note Off events: use 8 instead of B

the next 7-bit value indicates the note number

If the two bytes of a table entry are matching with the received MIDI event, the USER_MPROC_NotifyFoundEvent function will be called by MIOS. The first two MIOS_PARAMETER[12] variables contain the same bytes like the appr. table entry, the third variable (MIOS_PARAMETER3) contains the CC value (on MIDI controller events) or the velocity value (on note On/Off events)

Special case: if a Note On event with velocity == 0x00 has been received, it has to be handled like a Note Off event (see MIDI specification)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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