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Re: Using J5 for DOUT


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i've succeeded in buidling a Core V3. I also built the a true bypass loop controlled by ULN2803A and relay. I built it following this diagram:


It works nice when givin 5 volts (that i take from J2 on the core) to the board and connecting J5 to ULN --> to the relay....


i have not built yet a DOUT, and wouldn't do it if i didn't had the following problem:

I am trying to use the J5 DOUT C code, in this way:

Init function code:

  J5_IO_Init(0x00); //al J5 pins for DOUT

  ADCON1 = 0x07;

  TRISA &= 0xd0;

  TRISE &= 0xf8;

MPROC_NotifyReceivedEvnt function code:

if ((evnt0==176) && (evnt1==65))  //wanna react to Control Change 65, channel 1, value 0 turns off the loop, 127 turns it on


   if (evnt2==0)   PORTAbits.RA0 = 0;

   if (evnt2==127) PORTAbits.RA0 = 1;



But this code doesn't work.. at the moment the looper works thanks to the 5V on pin 1... but that's not programmable, isn't it ?

Am i missing something ? (surely, but what ?)

Thanks a lot in advance

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Heheh NP mate.  TK tends to make everything he touches

A) go faster, and

b) easy

Anyway, you probably already noticed that the quote there is from the header file, which is often a good hint of what functions are available. There is usually more info in the corresponding .c file too.

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