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Everything posted by demym

  1. UPDATE: i changed the PSU to a 9V one... now i have once 5V on the 7805 output... but i still don't get the MIOS upload requests in MIOSSTUDIO (that i have always got there...).. I started once the debug process, starting with Vdd measure: in this particular test i have 5V anywhere i should, except from pin TX of the PIC (pin25); in fact, i have here 3.7V..
  2. Just looked for shorts... but i can't visually see them... I still get only 2V ca at the 7805 output (and 12V on the input obviously)... The problem is that, apart from visually, i really don't know how to look for shorts.... For example, i'm trying to use the beep feature of my multimeter... to say one, it beeps touching pin0 and pin1 of J5 (+5V and ground)... is this correct ? does it mean there's a short ? As i said, no other modules are connected... Sorry for my ignorance....thx
  3. Thanks Lyle, but unfortunately the issue i wrote about happens with all of the modules disconnected (i only have a DINx1).. The strange thing is that i didn't touch the Core, it simply stopped working... Anyway, i'll try searching for a short once again. Thanks, have a nice time
  4. Hi, after building a DINx1 module, with great effort, and had it working, i am now facing another problem: my Core doesn't respond anymore.... I have no more the 5V at the 7805 (it gives me something between 0.8V and 1.2V.... I didn't touch the Core while building the DINx1... simply, suddenly, it doesn't work no more... Could it be the 7805 broken ? I'm using a 12V PSU... What are the steps to debug ? It is frequent to break the 7805 ? I want to add that yesterday, before things went bad, i had a bad smell of burning...... Very frustrated... My Core worked for a big while, and now that i was going to attach buttons, the enjoyment has terminated :-( Thanks in advance
  5. Update: So i made the permutation tests between Vss, Vdd and RD1,2,3... Sadly enough, results are exactly as you predicted. And keeps not working as it should. Really don't know where to look for anymore. Thanks anyway for your support, think i'm going to switch on the J5DIN stuff (which i have already implemented and make it work, thanks to this excellent forum). Sure, a DINx1 would open a great door.. Have a nice time
  6. Thanks Thorsten. I'll try the permutations tonite. In the meanwhile, i forgot to say that i am using a 74LS165 instead of a 74HC165. I have already posted to the forum asking if it's equivalent to use the LS version of the 165, and the response was Yes. Do you see any problem or issue related to the different version of the chip ? I'll update you on the permutation test result. Thx
  7. Thanx So, i'm not really practical with this kind of test (only measured V till now...).. The meaning is: there should be some resistance beetween PIC pins and corresponding indicated 74HC pins ? Anyway, i used the beeper function with the pin couples you suggested ,and it beeped for all three, apart from RD2 - RC (J9). Looking to the soldering, it was bad; i soldered, and made once beep test, getting the beep on that couple. This was done with the PIC and the 74hc165 swapped out of their sockets. Believing that the unsoldered pin was the culprit, i tried once DIN + Core.. But i still get all 128 midi messages, and only on D7 of the 74HC165... What do you mean for 'permutations between Vss/Vdd and RD1/RD2/RD3' ? Thanks, anyway
  8. Hi, i have assembled a DINx1 on a breadboard. But, i get some data in MIOS Studio (i've uploaded the MIDI128 onto the Core) only when i put pin D7 on 74hc165 to Low. The data i get is, in practice, all data (i see many many program changes on the MIOS Studio Midi Monitor... If i ground any of the other inputs of the 74hc165, i get absolutely no response. I've followed the troubleshooting suggestions on the wiki, and i've triple checked for shorts on the breadboard or even on the Core (i resoldered something just to make sure). But nothing has changed, my DINx1 responds (and with all of the data) when i ground pin D7... Have no more ideas... was so thrilled to attach some encoders from an old broken V-Amp !!! Someone can help ? Thanks a lot, have a nice time
  9. La bellezza del Midibox è proprio questa, secondo me: decidi tu come si comporta a programma... io sono abituato ad usare i CC, ma nulla vieta di usare anche i PC..io non l'ho implementata quest'ultima funzionalità cmq. Cmq sì, si possono perfettamente usare i PC per ottenere lo stesso scopo. Un'altra cosa che ancora non so è come fare a memorizzare eventuali impostazioni (messaggio di CC che accende/spegne il relais, ecc.).. Però per fare questo credo che dovrò implementare il bankstick.. ma non ho molto tempo ultimamente... Infatti, il Midiloop è di per sè un bell'oggettino, però spendere 100 euri e passa per non avere neanche la libertà di usare i CC, beh, io non ero disposto a spenderli... (ho due figli e sono finiti i tempi di pazze spese in strumenti/accessori musicali).. Gli altri che hai citato sono decisamente sovradimensionati per il mio uso; da anni il mio setup si basa solo sul preamp rocktron, ed al momento non ho l'esigenza di cambiare... forse aggiungerei solo qualche relais al progettino, ma per il momento mi va bene così... quando avrò più tempo per guardarci dentro (l'elettronica è un bell'hobby, ma molto impegnativo, sia come vista :-), quelle saldature cos'ì piccole, sia come comprensione, visto che si tratta della mia prima volta nel campo), magari verranno fuori anche nuove idee.. Ah, una cosa: usando il J5 sul Core, puoi avere al massimo 8 relais, oppure 4 relais e 4 led, per esempio... io i led li ho omessi volutamente, ed uso tutto il J5 come DOUT, per i relais. La situazione cambia se costruisci anche un semplice DINx1 o DOUTx1 (io ho comprato i componenti per farli, ma poi, vedendo che mi bastava il J5, non li ho neanche costruiti). Ciao
  10. Il programma l'ho scritto usando i Control Change per attivare/disattivare i relais... infatti era questo che non mi piaceva dell'Advance Midiloop, che funziona solo a ProgramChange...cioè quando cambi preset si attiva/disattiva il pedalino, ma non puoi fare più nulla fintanto che rimani nello stesso preset (per esempio, spegnerlo) Poichè uso una pedaliera Behringer FCB1010 col firmare modificato (UnO), ho una fila di cambi programma ed una file di controller/stomp (con i quali accendo/spengo singoli effetti dal preamp, come delay, wah, ecc...).. Volevo usare il pedalino midizzato alla stessa stregua, per cui l'ho scritto per usare i control change. La differenza tra le due modalità (PC, CC): i PC servono per cambiare preset (ergo, suono), mentre i CC posso accendere/spegnere effetti senza cambiare il suono corrente.. questa modalità ben si adatta al mio preampli (un rocktron voodu valve), e non cambia il mio abituale setup, pur avendo ora in più la possibilità di gestire il pedalozzo esterno Uso solo il Core e la schedina relais (usando non le usuali funzioni di DIN e DOUT, bensì l'analoga caratteristica integrata sul Core in J5... è un pò più macchinoso da programmare, poichè il MIOS non ha eventi pronti che possano gestire IN e OUT da J5, però grazie all'aiuto della gente qua, sono riuscito a farlo funzionare)... Se ti serve qualche dettaglio ulteriore sulla gestione del DIN/DOUT J5, non esitare a chiedere (sebbene io sia in realtà un neofita galoppante !)... Ciao
  11. Funziona, funziona, Dimitree ! Per quanto riguarda il click, a dirti la verità non ho ancora chiuso il device in scatoletta, e non l'ho ancora usato dal vivo o cmq durante le prove (perchè aspetto sempre di poterci far funzionare uno dei 3 lcd che ho comprato :-)) ... Ad ogni modo, a parte il click caratteristico del relais che scatta, non sento altri rumori strani o pops.... l'ho provato tuttavia con un comune pedalino behringer (un booster).. mi sono quasi pentito di non aver aggiunto altri due o tre relais, ma in fondo mi serviva semplicemente un booster a pedale controllato via midi (uso la fbc1010 con un preamp rocktron voodu valve)... in pratica un clone dell'advance midiloop.. quando completerò lo 'scatolame', ti aggiornerò meglio sui dettagli. Grazie, ciao buona giornata
  12. Grazie Dimitri ! sono riuscito da tempo a far funzionare il relais con il mio Core, seguendo proprio gli schemi dell'articolo da te linkato. Quindi mi funziona tutto a parte l'LCD (che non vuole proprio displayarmi il Ready del MIOS e gli altri messaggi nella mia applicazione). Ho cmq aperto svariati post nelle sezioni in inglese sull'argomento... Non ho avuto molto tempo ultimamente, appena riesco ricontrollo le saldature. Per il resto, come diceva, funziona tutto perfettamente (ho usato le funzioni di J5-DIN, grazie all'aiuto di Phil ed altri). Grazie cmq ! Ciao ononimo :-)
  13. What does a negative bias means ? this LCD has white characters on blue blackground, and it's pins (from its datasheet) are disposed as in the MBHP building an LCD cable pdf... is negative bias something else to look for ? didnt' find that words into the datasheet. I know i will not see Ready until i connect all the lines and the pins... but for now i'm stucked into the V0 contrast problem (got 5V constantly on that pin, regardless of the contrast trimmer position, ...)..i only see blocks when shorting to ground V0 pin on LCD. But also luminance trimmer doesn't do that much.. it should work even with only backlight + and - connected, right ? Thx, Good luck for you lcd problems either :-)
  14. Uhm... so i bought TWO new LCDs ! The first one didnt' work at all (only backlight)... then i bought a third one (same as the first, YMC102, with the same datasheet).. I still get only blocks when powering on the Core.... (but didn't still connect the d0-d7 data lines, only to test LCD functionallity).. I've noticed something strange: i constantly have 5V on V0 of J15 (LCD), regardless of the position of the contrast pot...in fact, i get the white blocks only when shorting to ground the corresponding pin V0 on the LCD.... i did triple check on my core solderings.... could it be that the trimmer is out of use ? Also, the luminance pot seems not to be working either: it should work even if i connect only the two backlight pins, right ? I got J5_IO functioning (both for DIN and DOUT), the core is responding to miosstudio, the application works fine, the relay board works nice....... only i would like to see, someday, that famigerous READY on the LCD !! Going to check once the solderings (and i found two of them that weren't perfect, but nothing changed).... but i'm really depressed without my LCD... Thanks anyway
  15. Thaks Phil, no, i didn't have those instructions in Init.... Now i've added them, but still no response.... I've noticed that i have 1.76V on datalines not used.... (i didn't wire them at all).. Also (found this accidentally), if i short to ground pin 9 of IC (HQ - SI of J9), i get response to DIN_NotifyToggle (MIOS Studio prints out the midi messages i send on DIN activity....) I'm pretty sure the wiring is correct (apart from not connecting the datalines not used, i only have one button by this time).. I also tried to upload MIDIBOX128 software to the Core, but got the same no response from the protoDIN... What is SRIO interconnection test ? Thx guys
  16. Well, good to hear that the IC is a correct one. Thx But my simple DINx1 on a breadboard doesn't work...When i press the button nothing happens in DIN_NotifyToggle... Is there a troubleshooting, as for the Core ? I seem to have right voltage levels.. Also, of the 8 data lines, i have connected only one (I0).. the other ones are not connected, should i connect them (10k pull-up resistor + grounding switch) to test functionallity ? Apart from the data lines, pin 7 (QH#) of IC is left open, as for the schematic of DINx1. The other ones are all connected where they should.. Thanks guys
  17. Hi, i've prepared a DINx1 module on my breadboard... I am using an 74LS165N instead of the 74HC165 shown in the mbhp_dinx1.pdf document.. Two questions: 1) is the 74LS165N IC equivalent to the 74HC165 ? (my store man told me that it was); i found the datasheet for this IC, and pin map seems to be identical to the 74HC, with the only difference that pin 9 on 74HC (QH) seems to be an input, datasheet for LS175 instead calls that pin Serial Output from Last State... (Q7) 2) My DINx1 doesn't work, i have no response in DIN_NotifyToggle when i press the button (i have only connected one button to I0 of the IC, and made all the other non-data connections, as 5V with 100nF condenser, 10k resistor on SER, etc..); do i have to specify somewhere in my code that i am using a DINx1 ? My circuit on the breadboard seems to be correct... What am i missing ? Thanks in advance
  18. UPDATE ! I had some problem on pin0 (looking at the core board it seems like a dry soldering)... works on other 3 pins !! My big ThankYou to all you helpful people ! (but i don't think these will be the last questions.....my next step is to successfully integrate an LCD... i'll let you know :-)) Thanks, have a nice time !
  19. The breadboard is connected exactly as your ascii art :-) i have a 10k resistor between 5V and J5-0, and switch cuts in front of it (the resistor) and goes to ground.... But even if i eliminate the switch , i still never have 5V on pin 0; isn't this logical, as i have a voltage fall due to the resistor ? That's a point that i can't keep understanding...... (but i am an electronics novice, and i'm surely missing something) Obviously it is not suggested to take off the resistor, right ?
  20. Thanks Phil. So, i've changed the code in J5_IO.h: unsigned char J5_IO_PinGet(unsigned char pin) __wparam; Now the function works like expected... But.... I'm trying to poll into the Tick function, and check if pin 0 (for example) has changed value.... I also include an image of the breadboard; the voltage connectors are arriving from J5 supply on core, and the top cable is getting first 4 data pins from J5: The problem is that it seems to change value even if i do not press the button.. I'm only trying pin 0 of J5, the button is on a breadboard; i have a 10k resistor between +5V and the pin 0 of J5, and the button is connecting to ground when pushing; voltages corresponds; i have 0,30V when button is not pushed, and 0V when button is pushed. This is my code: unsigned char lastvalore; //this initializes to 0 into the Init function void Tick(void) __wparam { valore=J5_IO_PinGet(0); if (valore!=lastvalore) { //i use midi messages to check response, as i had some problems with 2 lcds (and ordered a third one....) MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(192); MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(valore); lastvalore=valore; } } But this code loops the midi message even if i don't push the button (and MIOSStudio hangs....).. What am i doing wrong ? Sorry for the long problem and misunderstanding Thx
  21. I'm trying to use the J5_IO_PinGet function... but i've noticed that it returns void, so cannot be used this way: x=J5_IO_Pinget(pinnumber); Where do i store the value returned by this function ? Thanks
  22. My old one, once booted, shows only half blocks (1x8), but characters, which are sort of slices of blocks, slowly fade out.. So i think i've damaged it in some way.. My MIOS is ok, and the application (a simple Core only midi effects switcher) works correctly. Should the LCD show blocks when B+, B-, Vs, Vd are connected ? Thanks
  23. Oh, i knew i was surely missing something ! And where do i do this polling ? Maybe into the Timer function ? (after setting the interval with MIOS_Timer_set ?). Thanks very much
  24. Hi, i've experienced some problems with a 16x2 blue backlight lcd; it turned out that it was not working correctly anymore.. maybe i damaged it by soldering... So i ordered and received a new LCD (black on green this time, with backlight). Which are the minimum pins to connect to see the blocks in the first row ? Do i have to connect all the pins ? Because my new lcd is not showing blocks on boot (the old one did)... I know that pins for this LCD are different from the other one, due to its datasheet, but i've managed this in my connections... I've tried with contrast, but nothing.. Light intensity is working right though... Just to be sure that this new one is working. Thanks
  25. And where to catch J5 DIN events ? DIN_NotifyToggle ? Thx a lot !
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