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AINX4 / pots handling

Guest julienb

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Guest julienb

hi midiBox gurus,

I'd like to know more about pots handling.

AIN is "just" a shift register if I understood well.

I would like to know the maximum of AINx4 I can cascade per core.

I need to handle a lot of pots.

of course, I'll multiplex them.

I saw project like MIDIO128. But I cannot figure out how many AINx4 are involved.

if you, experts, could help me with that...

thanks a lot


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I saw project like MIDIO128. But I cannot figure out how many AINx4 are involved.

Do your homework first, young man. If you would have read only the first two sentences of the web page describing the AIN module, you would by now know how many pots can be connected to one AINx4, and from that you would possibly be able to divide 128 by that number. The result is the amount of AINx4 modules you actually need for the MIDIO128 project.

"Upping" your post, as you call it, is actually quite impolite in this case, as you apparently do not "do your homework" first, as we call it. This is the reason why noone has cared to answer your question. We are glad to help if you show that you really care - and that involves far lot more reading. And then, more reading.

Regards, ilmenator

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I'll find my way alone don't worry :)


Having read most of your posts, you seem to ask lots of questions that are answered in many forum posts, in the wiki http://wiki.midibox.org/ and on ucapps.de http://www.ucapps.de

People here are very happy to help people that at least attempt to help themselves and responding with comments like "I'll find my way alone don't worry " and "I'm disappointed " when people try to give you constructive answers to your questions will only alienate you from everybody else on this forum and people will just ignore you (or stryd_one who you have already had a run-in with will ban you).

I accept that there may be cultural or language differences but don't forget we all do this as a hobby, NONE of us makes any money out of making midiboxen so we don't HAVE to help you. If you try to help yourself and DO SOME RESEARCH before asking questions and are polite if you don't get the answer that you wanted then people will be much more inclined to help you further.



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Guest julienb

I find there was a bad start together.

I try to be a good guy, and not the bad guy several people thinks about.


it is my passion too.

I find you very aggressive, but I can understand that, and won't be aggressive myself because I'm sure english/french translations + forum language = artificial communications way and it can cause a lot of misunderstanding.

yes I'm a little bit disappointed

yes I find answers to my question very aggressive

I don't want that.

I just needed help, and I find : "read all, poor noob, if you don't you'll go in jail"


I want to follow rules, advices etc... no need to kill me  :-[

if I asked that, indeed the reason is: I'm not familiar with midibox framework. is it a crime?

so, if this is really a hobby, relax, be cool, we're all here to have fun.

I hope we could communicate again about midibox framework.

in order to change the topic:

I have to say (if someone is interested) I made a mistake by choosing arduino framework to build my first gear ( http://www.julienbayle.net/diy/LiveInterface/ )

Midibox, especially what it is announced about MIOS32, seems to be THE way.

So I'll try to better ask my questions etc etc


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I see that I shouldn't have called you "young man", that indeed might sound offensive at your age - I am sorry. Rest assured, it was not meant to be offensive. It was related to the fact that to get an answer to your initial question ("how many AINx4 modules are involved in MIDIO128") you actually only need to read those two sentences I linked to above (and read the MIDIO128 project description to realize that MIDIO128 does not handle pots).

Each AINx4 connects to 32 inputs, so if you need 64 pots that makes a total of 2 AINx4 boards.

if I asked that, indeed the reason is: I'm not familiar with midibox framework. is it a crime?

It is not a crime not to be familiar with the MIDIbox framework - and I guess you know that rhetorical questions like these do not really contribute to increasing your knowledge.

Having read most of your posts, you seem to ask lots of questions that are answered in many forum posts, in the wiki http://wiki.midibox.org/ and on ucapps.de http://www.ucapps.de

Reading does.

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Guest julienb


I already read a lot.. indeed, my question would have could be understood as "poor midibox noob, he's confused", but it has been understood as "grrr,another guy who didn't read before post"

I guess you know that rhetorical questions like these do not really contribute to increasing your knowledge.

I'm sure about that, this was the reason why I didn't understand these "offensive posts"

but no problem,, now we're ok :) I hope.

I'd like to build a gear like noofny does.

I'll try to figure out all of these

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Just for the record, because it seems some people have taken the unimportant parts of phil's post a little too seriously, and completely ignored the majority of it which is quite important....

I don't ban people. If a ban happens, it's by community decision - but that's extremely unlikely, generally you would need to be a grade-A asshole to earn such treatment in return. We make all efforts to find an amicable way to deal with any issues that might arise. Nobody here wants to ban anyone and we won't do it unless you force us to.

That said.....

Let's make this simpler to understand. Let's pretend the forum is just three people, TK, Bob and Fred.

Scenario A

TK makes a midibox, and he shares his design with the world.

Bob decides he wants to build one too. Being a hard working person he makes as much effort as he can, but there are a few things he needs help with, so he asks the forum.

TK helps Bob out and the box is in progress again. Bob spreads his knowledge around by updating the wiki for future midiboxers, and keeps building his midibox.

In the meantime, TK is working on a cool new app. Bob is looking forward to building that new toy when it is released.

Now along comes Fred. being a hard working person he makes as much effort as he can, including reading Bob's wiki pages, but there are a few things he needs help with, so he asks the forum.

TK is writing the cool new app, and Bob realises this, so he takes a little time out of his own build, to help Fred. What a generous guy.

Fred spreads his knowledge around by updating Bob's wiki pages for future midiboxers, and keeps building his midibox.

A short time later, Bob and then Fred finish their midiboxes.

At the same time, TK finishes his cool new app.

The whole scenario repeats, and there are cool new apps and completed midiboxes everywhere. They all live happily ever after.

Scenario B

TK makes a midibox, and he shares his design with the world.

Bob decides he wants to build one too. Being a hard working person he makes as much effort as he can, but there are a few things he needs help with, so he asks the forum.

TK helps Bob out and the box is in progress again. Bob spreads his knowledge around by updating the wiki for future midiboxers, and keeps building his midibox.

In the meantime, TK is working on a cool new app. Bob is looking forward to building that new toy when it is released.

Now along comes Fred. being a selfish lazy bugger, he makes little to no effort, doesn't read TK's webpages or Bob's wiki pages, and goes direct to asking the forum.

TK is writing the cool new app, and Bob realises this, so he takes a little time out of his own build, to help Fred. What a generous guy.

Sadly, because Fred has been lazy, he has *lots* of questions. Bob cannot commit as much time to helping, as Fred needs to get so many answers.

This means that TK needs to take some time to help Fred too.

Now, Bob has not finished his app yet, because he was busy helping Fred.

Likewise, TK has not finished the new app, because he was busy helping Fred.

Fred is progressing well. He doesn't bother to update the wiki with the info he learned, and because of this, future midiboxers will have a harder time and need to ask more questions.

The whole scenario repeats, there are no new midiboxes, and noone ever finishes their own, because they are always helping someone else.

...... The end.

Look, making a midibox takes time and effort. That is unavoidable - as much as we'd like them to appear by magic, that ain't gonna happen. You have a choice: You can make that effort yourself, or you can offload it onto the people around you. If you offload it, you are choosing to take something (their midibox) away from those people.

The choice is yours, but if you choose to be a lazy bugger who wants to take way everyone else's midibox because you want one.... You can expect them to respond in a negative manner. You just took away their midibox, what do you expect, a red-carpet welcome? They might just ignore you when you ask questions (who knows, maybe you'll get desperate and actually read the webpages!). If you're new, they might tell you to go read the webpages, in the assumption that you didn't realise that it was up to you.

Otherwise, you can choose to make an effort for yourself, and not only can you have a midibox, but you can ensure that everyone else can have one too. If you've made that effort, it will be obvious, and the people around you will be happy to take a little time out of their own projects to help you if you have any questions. Because you've made the initial effort, they won't have to help much, so it's no big inconvenience.

The choice is yours. Don't blame others for the consequences of your decision.

Edit: Diced out a bad word

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I find there was a bad start together.

Sorry but the bad start is all yours. Take responsibility for your actions.

I'm sure english/french translations + forum language = artificial communications way and it can cause a lot of misunderstanding.

Very wise of you!

I want to follow rules, advices etc... no need to kill me  :-[

Actions speak louder than words. Stop talking shit and go read ucapps and the wiki.

if I asked that, indeed the reason is: I'm not familiar with midibox framework. is it a crime?

It is not a "crime" to be unfamiliar with the midibox framework. We don't expect you to be psychic, it's ridiculous to imply such a thing. It is a "crime" to expect everyone else to explain it to you here when it's already been explained in detail on ucapps.de and the wiki and the forum. It is an even greater "crime" to talk shit about them when they direct you to those explanations.

so, if this is really a hobby, relax, be cool, we're all here to have fun.

Yes, and we won't allow you to have fun at our expense.

I hope we could communicate again about midibox framework.

You should start by reading the already existing communications - ucapps, the forum and the wiki.

So I'll try to better ask my questions etc etc

If you want to better ask the question, the simple way to do it, is to try and see if the question has already been answered. If it has, you don't need to ask at all.

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I would like to know the maximum of AINx4 I can cascade per core.


I saw project like MIDIO128. But I cannot figure out how many AINx4 are involved.

I already read a lot.. indeed, my question would have could be understood as "poor midibox noob, he's confused", but it has been understood as "grrr,another guy who didn't read before post"

This is the kind of bollocks that's really annoying. As has been pointed out:

If you would have read only the first two sentences of the web page describing the AIN module, you would by now know how many pots can be connected to one AINx4, and from that you would possibly be able to divide 128 by that number. The result is the amount of AINx4 modules you actually need for the MIDIO128 project.

This is not to mention the various wiki pages and forum posts that have explained this in great detail already.

If you've read the webpages, or if you haven't, it's going to be obvious. Don't take us for fools.

I will not engage in further discussion with you on this matter. Stop talking for a bit and go read some more. If you keep being lazy and stirring up trouble, I'll move the posts away.

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