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Jog Wheel (encoder programming)....

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I make jog wheel (based on pc-mouse opto-encoder) and use  in my project midi transport controller (used at89c2051 and 24mhz crystal). I have question, how work Jog wheel in Logic control. In Midi implementation is write , ( b0, 3c, xx )  

xx - ( 0svvvvvv)  

      s - direction bit   (0-cklockwise, 1-couter clockwise)

     vv - number of ticks ( 1-63 value)

I know what is this.... but. When I turn jog wheel my midi controller send (b0,3c,01) one tiks to logicaudio. How to send ticks value in slow or fast turning wheel.  how to calculate turn speed ticks?  How  to measure the number of cycles between two encoder pulse transitions?...  I must calculate on a timer or something else ? help me... writte me some example .....

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