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This has been bugging me for a long time,

On my DOUT boards from Smash, the pin assignment seems weird.

When I activate Pin 0 { MIOS_DOUT_PinSet(0, 1); }

J3 D6 is triggered, at pin 1 J3 D7 is triggered.

going upward is

D6, D7, D4, D5, D2, D3, D0, D1.

Then it goes to SR 1 and repeats the order

Is this correct, or is there something weird going on?

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Thanks TK.

All of the above  :)

I used dout buttons app for confirmation.

Been using a bank of 8 leds for testing (I've checked the connections a hundred times).

Tried diffferent DOUT boards, different SR's. Always the same.

It's been about 18 months since I tested with a multimeter though. I'll check it when I've got a few minutes to breathe again

I've always just dealt with it, till now when I fkd up a custom pcb for relays. fixed by swapping pairs on the ribbon cable around, but it hit me that it didn't make much sense (nothing did 18 months ago  :D).

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