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How to test / use my cheap JDM?

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Sorry for this another newbie question(s). But after long time trying to solve this issue i need a little help.

I bought a Picburner (aka JDM) very cheap (same cost of the PIC18F452..lol) that works in a serial port (RS232 - 9 PINs). Well, i need to test it and of course, burn the bootstrap loader on a PIC18F452-IP. I'll talk what i did and further my questions. Any help is welcome.

I have a PC running with Win Vista Starter (Please, no jokes from you guys..it was free). Can be this OS a problem to use a JDM or burn a PIC? Anyone here already tried to use a JDM and burned a 18F in this OS?

I tried  to check the JDM and I tried identify the 18F at this apps : PicPgm, WinPic800, IC-prog. Only in the PicPgm my JDM was recognized, but it not identify the 18F, also i did the MCLR/vpp test and the LED on JDM works (in all apps that I  told this test is running). How I can get a feedback for the other tests such as data in/out, etc? Again, I think, this problem can be because I'm under Win Vista?

Another thought, I built my own serial cable, Linking the 2 db9 connectors with these PINs. 2(RD), 3(TD),4(DTR), 5(GND), 7(RTS), 8(CTS). Using only these PINs is enough to send/transmit data for a JDM burn the bootstrap or I need link all the PINs on db9 PINs?

Bellow, some voltages values I has got in the PINS (I has the same values of measuring directly on the PINS of the serial port of my PC).


3(TD)= -11v

4(DTR)= -11V

7(RTS)= -11v

8(CTS)= 0.16V

These voltages are enough to put my JDM to work and burn a PIC?

My last question, How I can test my JDM, measuring voltages on it? Any usually tips/advices and clarifications for this measurement? (sorry, no schematics, only a poor quality picture, if anyone want)

I already thank for any clarification, tip or advice.

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Thanks for the advice Wilba. I already got the PicPgm and now also I got WinPIc800 with a driver for run in Vista

As I said my JDM was cheap, and yesterday I discovered on it what a jumper without label is. It come without  silkscreen legend and it set the JDM to 16/24 PIC pins or 20/40 PIC pins. Now my JDM is recognizing the 18F452. Unfortunately my first try to burn my PIC had some errors in the verify process (I burned the Pic in the PicPgm). I don't know if this is a problem of my jdm, from the PIC or again this is from Vista.

I Hope in this week I can solve this issue

Thanks again

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Unfortunately my first try to burn my PIC had some errors in the verify process (I burned the Pic in the PicPgm). I don't know if this is a problem of my jdm, from the PIC or again this is from Vista.

Faulty cables are the #1 cause of this issue... I'm sure your cable-making skills are incredible ;) so maybe there's some faulty wire or plugs used?

Is this that same cable that we talked about in the chatroom not so long ago? (remember it had been accidentally wired in reverse by the man who originally made it)

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Hi stryd_one

Sorry for my delay to see your reply.

Yeah, that cable I just dropped it in the trash (excluding the connectors) and I built my own cable.

I burned my 18F452 two times with success (program and verify process seems ok) in the PicPgm :)

I'm troubleshooting my core right now, I'm in the TEST IN5(ucapps/how_to_debug_midi) without success to see that led lit :s

PS: Ironic, after some emails to this JDM seller that I told to you, now he asking me to write a User's Guide or some type of online help file for his JDM. Seems good because he will pay me with some PICs :)

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