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I'm trying to figure out how to figure out how to buy all the parts necessary to build the ucapps.de seq.v3

I see references to "kits", but can't find any complete kits on those websites, just big lists of parts...

I want to build one that looks just like either the SeqV3 video or the SeqV4 video.

Do you need to do more than just follow directions to build one of these, or do you need to understand what all these parts are and how they work together?

How long does it take someone with good soldering skills to build one of these?

How about someone who seems to always get solder everywhere and burn himself, how long does it take that guy? :-)

  - Joel

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There are two sources for kits that I know of.

SmashTV runs a webshop at http://www.avishowtech.com/mbhp/

Mike has a shop at http://www.mikes-elektronikseite.de/shop_englisch/index.htm

There are also (sometimes) "bulk orders" arranged by individual members as a favor to the community.

Do you need to do more than just follow directions to build one of these, or do you need to understand what all these parts are and how they work together?

Most of the kits here are the circuit boards and parts only, so building the boards is only the first part of the adventure. Then you need all the buttons/sliders/encoders/LEDs for whatever you are building. Finally, you get to design and build your own enclosure to hold it all together.

In the case of MBSeq, there is a "complete board package" that will really speed the project along, but that will depend on whether you can get in on the bulk order,

Yes, by the time you complete a successful build, you will know how every part on it works, and you'll learn about basic electronics and some programming, too.

How long it takes is a guess at best, but it's a good idea to take your time.

Finally, the answer to the questions you didn't ask:

If you are looking for the shortest path to a complete, finished product, MIDIBox is probably not a good choice. Likewise, if you want the cheapest possible solution, this is not it.

What MIDIBox projects are best for are people who want to make something special with their own hands. TO get involved in every step of the design, construction, and programming of a unique, one of a kind MIDI device. People who are willing to take the road less traveled, to work a little harder to get a finished project that they can take special pride in.

What will it take to complete? There is a lot to learn. there is also a HUGE amount of information here to help you along. The very first thing you'll need is a willingness to at least try and figure things out. There are a lot of people here who can help, but they'll only be willing to help if you have at least tried to figure it out yourself first.

Too many people come around expecting answers without doing the "homework" first. WE are a VERY helpful community, but your project will begin and end with "Do It Yourself".

I hope this has answered some of your questions. I have deliberately made my answer as generic as possible. That's so I can cut and paste this answer the next time somebody asks the same question.

Read the recent posts in the Seq forums. Look at the MidiBox of the week posts to see some beautiful casework. Go to the Wiki and read as much as you can about everything you can.

By the time you have completed that, you'll know if this is a project you want to try. If you're not willing to read that much, then this is definitely not your cup of tea.

As always, I'm not the "expert". If any part of my answer is wrong, I hope someone will jump right in and correct me.

Have Fun,


[edit] Ooo, lucky you. Looks like there has been a bulk order for the control surface. That should make your wiring task a lot easier, IF the bulk order is still open. Start reading from

here http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,11802.msg102412.html#msg102412

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