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Log to lin pot conversion using lookup table????


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Hello all you MB nuts.

I am a newbee, (very first post) constructing a Midibox64, but I want to use some excellent log-law pots which have been gathering dust for aeons.

Midibox converts analog values from controller pots to MIDI-compatable data (integers in the range of 0 to 127). It assumes the use of lin pots, and applications such as Ableton Live must automatically convert all controller data, which are meant for volume faders, into log law.

I would like to insert a look-up table (approx 128 lines of code) and a call to the table as soon as any pot changes, the table is filled with linear values for conversions. The end result would be outputted MIDI data with corrected (linear) values from logarithmic audio taper pots.

I wonder if anyone might help with some questions:

Is there sufficient room left in a pic18f452 for such a table, and if so what other problems should I be aware of?

Am I correct in assuming the following functions are required:





I hope this all makes some sense to someone.

thanks and best regards to all.

***  I have just realised that a search under "logarithic" almost provides the answer:


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