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anyone got a large pic of the bottom of the AIN board?


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If you bought boards from SmashTV, you don't need to add any underside wiring or capacitors.

If you are using the ucapps designs (which are also available from Mike's), you should add a 100 nF (0.1 uF) capacitor between pin 8 and pin 16 on each IC.  Refer to the AIN schematic for details.  Note that this capacitor is not absolutely essential: it is a "bypass capacitor" which is sort of a form of a filter.  Best practice dictates that you should include it.

As for the wires: again, the SmashTV boards has them already routed.  The single-sided TK design requires 4 insulated wires be added.  If you look at the layout quick-view at http://ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_ainx4.gif you will see 4 diagonal lines connecting the jack with each of the ICs.  Those are the wires you need to add.

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Hi thanks,

I bought the kit from Mikes. From the pics on ucapps it looked like the capacitor was attached to those bridgre wires (which was the bit I didnt get)

Ok, so I will just do the bridges on their own, then attach the caps to pins 16 and 8 and then heat shrink them!


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