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dual core midibox64 problems (repost)


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hi all..

i have built a dual core midibox64 system with ltc module (com port disabled)..i linked them according the example at ltc module webpage, and i read the midibox link webpage. it's stated that the second core provides the lcd menu and events for both core (lcd is attached to the second core)

my problems are:

- the lcd menu (snapshot, left, right, select) can only be accessed from second core's buttons.

- the first core's events and menu settings are not displayed on the lcd (at all) but the ltc's led shows each activity of both cores. so, temporarily i remove 4 menu buttons of  the first core and let all its button as on/off ones..ya "blind second core"

- jerky movement and (some) undetected midi messages with live 8, problem in live 8?

what did i do wrong? what should i do to make it work? i have set them as forwarding point and end point..

anyone can help? thanks heaps...


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The MIDIbox Link page describes a concept for linking multiple cores. Sharing the menu interface between multiple cores is described as a possibility, but it hasn't been implemented in any application available at my website.

Accordingly this possibility isn't implemented in MIDIbox64, therefore you haven't made anything wrong.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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