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Midibox 64e to control Amp Simulator Soft


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I want to build a controller for my guitar amp simulator of choice, which is Line6's software.

I bought a couple of kits from SmashTV(core, din, dout, ain), soldered and tested with pots, buttons, lcd and leds, so far so good. I'm awaiting for the encoders, which I had to bought abroad because couldn't find them here.

The main concept is to use 8 encoders to controll the different parameters of each effect (no effect has more than 8 parameters).

What I couldn't get right is which method to use to change what effect will be the encoders controlling. I understood there are groups, banks and patches, but couldn't make up my mind on which method would be better.

I have 8 sets of parameters I would like to control, and I would like to save several presets of those (and maybe playlists for the near future)

How should I proceed?

Thank you for your support.

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I'll try to make a simple example to describe what I need.

Let's say I have 2 types of effect which may have up to three models.

TYPE: Stomp

MODELS: Synth Harmony, Synth Lead, AutoWha

TYPE: Delay

MODELS: Multi-Head, Sweep Echo, Digital

And each model has it's own set of parameters:



Synth Harmony Inter Filter Wave Mix

Synth Lead Wave Filter Decay Mix

Auto Wah Sens Q



Multi-Head Fdbk Mix Heads Flutter

Sweep Echo Fdbk Mix Speed Depth

Digital Fdbk Mix Bass Treble

Let's say I have 5 encoders.

My idea is to have 2 buttons for group change, 1 encoder to control effect model and 4 encoders to control parameters. Labels of parameters should change when I change models.

Banks, groups, patches, I don't know how to organize it and program it properly. Any suggestions/hints?

Thank you and sorry for doubleposting and lack of clarity (non-english native speaker).

update 11-18: I'm starting to check C app developmet stuff on the wiki and it seems it might be a lot easier to code a custom app in C than modify/hardcode asm source of MB64e. Until someone may give me a thought or two about this I'll try to build a custom app to do what I need.

update 11-19: with C tutorials and samples I managed to make a little app to switch which CC# a single pot sends. I guess I'll build up from there. Found some interesting topics about scaling (didn't know the term until now). Still don't know how will I manage presets and I don't know PIC's limitations regarding memory usage and stuff. Seems like I may work things out myself but some thoughts and ideas are welcome!

Edited by Coma
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Hi Coma

Could you please post a link for the product you'd like to control (Line6)... or better a link to a reference page for the MIDI implementation.

Maybe we can help you better.

Greets, Roger

Sure, here's a link:


Attached too in case link brakes. The product I own is Gearbox.

gearbox midi cc.pdf

I have done some testing with MIDI with this software, I have some understanding of how it works that maybe isn't shown in the manual, please do ask for any question. I'm still defining how I want the interface to be, I'll post that and the test application I put together in C. I managed to send specific midi CC I need but couldn't think or find of a way to make bars displays, only could do text and numbers. Anyone can give me a hint where can I find some functions or examples in C to do them?

Thank you!

Edited by Coma
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