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Ridiculous C64 Hack From 80s DIY TV Show


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Fairly genius for the time! Id love to be able to download that software as a .prg file out of curiosity.

"This is an extract from an episode of '4 Computer Buffs' which was a computer software and hardware program broadcast in the 80's by Channel 4 Television in the UK. It shows Dr Mike Throne constructing a light reciever module for the Commodore 64, which allowed you to recieve software bradcast throughout the programme

A light reciever was placed on the TV over the top of a flashing dot that appeared at different times throught the programme, you then pressed record on your tape player and downloaded the software

Very clever idea that involved some nice DIY hardware building....

To find out more about this project and many others then please visit www.hack247.co.uk"

Edited by Smithy
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