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Another Sammich upload problem


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Finished my Sammich build. Voltage checks were fine (.02 off) connected the midi IN of the sammich to my Edrol UA-25 Midi out. In MIOS Studio got the correct upload request. Sent the LCD message which was fine. Then tried to upload the r_35 Hex with device ID 0, Smart mode and MIOS32 unchecked. I decided it had hung after it hadn't moved in 10min (only started doing 1 bank) and the LCD changed to 'Rebooting MIOS. I quit MIOS and then turned the Sammich off. Upon powering the Sammich back up the 'Ready' message had been replaced with just blank squares. I couldn't do anything to get 'Ready' back so I tried to upload the firmware in manual mode. This worked perfectally and all the controls are functioning as expected. I installed the banksticks and it formatted them fine.

Now for the problem:

I can't get it to upload the Presets. Using the MidiBox Sid V2 Editor on Windows XP everytime I try and upload a bank it says "THe MBSID V2 is not responding. Please check all connections!". I read about the XP issues so I thought I would try it on my OSX machine (10.5.8) but I get the same message.

Should I go back and try and upload the Hex properly?

Thanks in advance.

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That sounds like you are not receiving MIDI back from the CORE/sammich, when you say:

connected the midi IN of the sammich to my Edrol UA-25 Midi out

Did you also connect the MIDI OUT of the sammich to the MIDI IN of the UA-25? Midi is a one-way protocol so you need both in and out connections to receive feedback. This also explains why smart mode didn't work in MIOS Studio (manual mode should never be required if MIDI IN/OUT is working OK)

EDIT: You say you got the upload request so the above may be nonsense..... Did you definately get the request?



Edited by philetaylor
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Should I go back and try and upload the Hex properly?

Yes. Until you upload using Smart Mode, you haven't validated sammichSID to PC is working for your setup.

Check you have two MIDI cables between sammichSID and PC.

Check you put shunts in both JMI and JMO headers.

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Thanks for the prompt replies. I didn't have both cables connected first time! Checked and I have the jumpers in the correct position in both JMI and JMO. I connected both cables and tried to upload the setup hex, no joy it just hangs on the first block. I am getting a differnt upload request now I have burnt the setup manually.

Below is what I get on my MIDI in when i turned Sammich on/off 3 times.

00000095947485 ms | Continued SysEx: F7 00 00 7E 40 00 01

00000096187254 ms | Continued SysEx: F7 03 00 00 C0 57 2A

00000096773654 ms | Continued SysEx: F7 03 00 00 C0 0F FF

Do i need to wipe the Sammich (somehow?) before uploading again?

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At this point, it's probably best to just send your PIC to someone who can burn the bootloader again, and validate the PIC is working. It's possible you corrupted it somehow by uploading, OR it's a hardware issue OR it's a software/MIDI interface issue. It will make things a lot easier if you prove the PIC is working fine and it's something else that's wrong.

I won't announce where you live, but I'm sure if you shout out for help from someone with a PIC burner, you'll get some response. At a last resort, you can post your PIC to sammichSID technical support in Europe (aka. my German slave).

In the meantime, you might want to give MIOS Studio MkII beta 5 a try:

http://www.ucapps.de/mios_studio/MIOS_Studio_MkII_Beta5.app.zip <-- MAC

http://www.ucapps.de/mios_studio/MIOS_Studio_MkII_Beta5.exe.zip <-- PC

... just in case this is a Java/MIDI library issue, the new MIOS Studio doesn't use Java. This has helped some people with their MIDI uploading problems.

FWIW, 1st batch builder Väinö had a similar "garbage upload request" issue, which I thought was corrupted firmware but turned out to be MIDI interface combined with OS X.

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Issue fixed!! TK Pmed me the MIOS Studio MkII beta 5 download details and it worked first time with both the Firmware and the presets. Sammich is working 100%. Not only is the Sammich a great design the Sid chips are brutal. Connected a pair of Beyerdynamic DT990 Pros to it and my head nearly exploded.

I did mine with low power blue LCD and white LED's, looks great. Will post pics when i sort out a slight paintbrush error on the 'shift' key :tongue:

Thanks to all involved in the project!

Edited by oktober
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