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Ponoko front panel for Wilba's control surface pcb


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Duplicating LCD connections isn't possible, not at least because of the increased cable impedance (I tried this some time ago and noticed very bad results)

I don't plan to add LCD output support to MBBLM because this would slow down the performance too much.

Currently the performance is great, I don't want to make it bad by adding such minor features.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 2 months later...


I greatly appreciate the effort you've put into this. I'd like to help to further this project by designing a compatible Ponoko case.

I have a couple questions though:

Did you take into account Wilba's suggestions found : Do you agree with them? -If so I think I can pretty quickly modify the dimensions of cutouts to be more "Ponoko sloppy."

Anyone out there have suggestions about the case dimensions, especially depth? As I begin to mock it up in SketchUp things are pretty tight with Wilba's suggested minimum clearance for height.

-Attached is a very first pass of the 19" version in SketchUp; a massing model++ simply to get a feel for it. More to come.

Thanks everybody, you are all constantly inspiring!!


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I did alter the dimensions of the LCD cut-out and the matching clear panel, in line with Wilba's suggestion.

I'd be cautious rack mounting using the acrylic - I don't know how strong it is?

I'd also suggest anyone using/modifying the files I've posted in this thread to check things over, as I've sold my Seq CS PCB (to make my own, more suited to me), and won't be using this design as posted. :)

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  • 1 month later...


Could anyone please tell me if the centers of the buttons have been decided upon yet?

I have just received some bits and pieces to start fiddling around with a cs,if I have this right the cs needs to be 17 x 17 buttons,but I would like the buttons to match any pcb's that might be made available.



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My PCBs will be using 6mm switches, probably either E-Switch TL1105BF100Q or Panasonic Light Touch Switch EVQ-PAC09K.

For my planned DIY illuminated setup, the switch actuators will need to be the correct height. I'll be getting a small PCB and ponoko panel/buttons done up to test the concept.

Here's my current ponderings (stuff on the right hand side is for a mixer/LC):

post-6793-071426800 1284699066_thumb.jpg

post-6793-042228200 1284699073_thumb.jpg

Any suggestions?


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