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MB SEQ functions - quick reference


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Hello Midiboxers!

I recently went through all (or most) :logik: midibox sequencer options and prepared a quick reference (crib) - list of functions and options. I don't know if anyone else will find this useful, but I personally always prefer studying reference rather than userguide.

Now new quick reference version is vaialable on http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/ so it can be updated by others.

Also I marked some my comments with red. If anyone can explain them or provide solution - your input is welcome.)

Best regards



MB SEQ functions - quick reference

Detailed info for options and functions of course is always available at


# Function Description Options

Dedicated button functions (can differ depending on hardware panel layout and MBSEQ_HW.V4 file)

1 Pattern 1,2,3,4

  • Select pattern/track group (G1, G2, G3, G4)

    2 Track 1,2,3,4
    • Select track within track group (T1, T2, T3, T4) - 16 tracks total

      3 Trigger layer A,B,C

      • Select trigger layer A and B (holding C allows to select others)
      • Gate | Acc | Roll | Glide | Skip | R.G - random gate | R.V - random value | No FX
      • Still not clear to me how to access for editing the values for selected trigger layer, I can only access parameter layer values

        4 Parameter layer A,B,C

        • Select parameter layer A and B (C switches between C & D)
        • Default: Note | Vel | Length | Roll (also CC, Pitch, Prob, Delay can be added via trigger selection menu)

          5 Step View

          • View and select steps if more than 16 are used
          • 1...16 | 17...32 | ...etc

            6 Pattern
            • Select pattern/track group G1, G2, G3, G4 from SD memory location

              7 Song

              • Select song parameters
              • Song # | Position | Action (Stop, x1..x16, Jump Pos, Jump Song, Mixer, Tempo, Mutes) |||| Select patterns G1,G2,G3,G4

                8 Edit

                • Enter edit mode to edit parameter and trigger layer steps

                  9 Mute
                  • Quickly mute/unmute tracks 1...16

                    10 Solo
                    • Solo current track

                      11 <- | -> (Left | Right)
                      • Move cursor position
                      • Left doesn't work in most cases :( Left works when selecting trigger layers in other menus only right seems working

                        12 + | - (Inc | Dec)

                        • Same as jog dial encoder - increases/decreases the current value

                          13 Exit
                          • Quickly exit to top menu

                            14 Select

                            • (Press&Hold) Select steps to be controlled by All function

                              15 All
                              • Edit all selected steps according to Select function

                                16 Copy
                                • Copy steps from 1 (?) to selected #
                                • Is there a way to select from which step to copy?

                                  17 Paste
                                  • Paste copied steps
                                  • Is there a way to select starting from which step to paste?

                                    18 F1 (Clear)

                                    • (Press&Hold) to clear selected track
                                    • I think it would be more useful if Undo could be assigned to this in MBSEQ_HW.V4 file, but seems it is not possible

                                      19 F2 (Select track)
                                      • (Press&Hold) to select track from 1...16

                                        20 F3 (Select parameter layer)
                                        • (Press&Hold) to select parameter layer A,B,C,D etc

                                          21 F4 (Select trigger layer)
                                          • (Press&Hold) to select/assign (?) trigger layer 1...8

                                            22 Rec
                                            • Opens record menu
                                            • Track # | Record (Live, Step) | Mode (Mono, Poly) | AStart (on, off) | Step # | TglGate |||| Port # | Chn #

                                              23 <<
                                              • Rewind (active only in song mode)

                                                24 Stop
                                                • Stops playback and resets position to beginning

                                                  25 Play

                                                  • Starts playback of patterns/song

                                                    26 Pause
                                                    • Halts playback

                                                      27 >>
                                                      • Forward (active only in song mode)

                                                        28 Metronome
                                                        • Toggles metronome on/off

                                                          29 Fast
                                                          • Activates Fast mode for quicker value selection with encoders
                                                          • Speed options for Fast can be changed in MBSEQ_HW.V4 file

                                                            30 Scrub
                                                            • (Press&Hold) + jog wheel allows dynamic changing of actual position

                                                              Menu functions

                                                              31 Menu+Scrub
                                                              • Toggles loop mode on/off

                                                                32 Menu+GP1 (Mixer)
                                                                • Opens mixer view for 16 tracks (12 pages can be switched with +/-)
                                                                • Midi port | Midi channel | Prog change | Volume | Panorama | Reverb | Chorus | CC1 | CC2 | CC3 | CC4
                                                                • Changing midi channel didn't work (tried just once hovever);
                                                                  Not clear how to change/select new map;
                                                                  pages 8 to 12 holds CC1=128,CC2=128,CC3=16,CC4=50 not clear how this works and how to change assignment to other CC numbers it looks like only theese CC messages can be remaped?

                                                                33 Menu+GP2 (Event)

                                                                [*] Opens track setup editor

                                                                [*] Track # | Type (Note, Chord, CC, Drum) | Step # | ParL # | TrgL # | Port # | Chn # | Edit Name

                                                                34 Menu+GP3 (Mode)

                                                                [*] Opens track mode editor

                                                                [*] Track # | Track on/off | Normal, Transpose, Arpeggiator |||| Hold (on, off) | Sort (on, off) | Restart (on, off) | Scale (on, off) | Sustain (on, off)

                                                                35 Menu+GP4 (Direction)

                                                                [*] Opens track playback direction editor

                                                                [*] Track # | Select playback mode (Forward | Backward | PingPong | Pendulum | Rand.Dir | Rand.Step | Rand.D+S) |||| Fwd # | Back # | Replay # | Repeat # | Skip # | Itv # | SyncM (yes, no)

                                                                36 Menu+GP5 (Divider)

                                                                [*] Opens track clock divider setup editor

                                                                [*] Track # | Clock # | Divider (normal, triplet) | Sync to Measure (on, off) |||| Timebase selector (1,2,4,8 ...etc)

                                                                37 Menu+GP6 (Length)

                                                                [*] Opens track length editor

                                                                [*] Track # | Length # | Loop # |||| Quick length selection (4,8,16 etc)

                                                                38 Menu+GP7 (Transpose)

                                                                [*] Opens track transpose editor

                                                                [*] Track # | Transpose selector (-7 oct ... +7 oct) | (-7 sem ... +7 sem)

                                                                39 Menu+GP8 (Groove)

                                                                [*] Opens track groove editor

                                                                [*] Track # | Groove style (off, shuffle ... etc) | Intensity # |||| Step # | Dly # | Len # | Vel # | Num Steps #

                                                                40 Menu+GP9 (Trigger)

                                                                [*] Opens track trigger layer selection menu

                                                                [*] Track # | Gate | Acc | Roll | Glide | Skip | R.G | R.V | No FX

                                                                41 Menu+GP10 (FX)

                                                                [*] Opens FX editor

                                                                [*] Local (Echo, Hum, Limit, LFO) |||| Global (Loop, Scale)

                                                                [*] Echo (Track # | Repeats # | Delay # | Vel.Lev # |||| FB Velocity % | Note # | Gatelen % | Tcks %)

                                                                [*] Hum (Track # | Intensity # | Note [on, off] | Vel/CC [on, off] | Length [on, off])

                                                                [*] Limit (Track # | Lower # | Upper #)

                                                                [*] LFO (Track # | Wave [off, sine ... etc] | Amp # | Phs % | Steps # | Rst # | OneShot [on, off] ||||

                                                                [*] Note ([on, off] | Vel [on, off] | Len [on, off] | CC [on, off] | ExtraCC# | Offs # | PPQN #)

                                                                [*] Loop (Mode [all tracks / step view ...etc] | Offset # | Steps # | Loop [on, off])

                                                                [*] Scale (Control [global, G1, G2 ...etc] | Root [Keyb, C ...etc] | Selected scale [major, minor ...etc]

                                                                42 Menu+GP11 (ManualTrigger)

                                                                [*] Manualy triggers steps, (Press&Hold)+Select for sync to measure

                                                                [*] Not clear how to operate this function, what selected tracks in uper row of LCD mean and how to change them

                                                                43 Menu+GP12 (Morph)

                                                                [*] Opens track morphing setup

                                                                [*] Track # | Mode (on, off) | Dst.Range # | Value # |||| Morphing control (also by CC1)

                                                                44 Menu+GP13 (BPM)

                                                                [*] Opens BPM settings editor

                                                                [*] Mode (Auto, Slave, Master) | Preset # | Tempo # | Ramp #s | Fire Preset | Preset Page |||| MClk (USB1 etc) | In (?) | Out (?) | Din PPQN # | Ext.Restart | Tap Tempo

                                                                [*] Wasn't able to change valuses for In and Out, maybe some other settings have to be changed

                                                                45 Menu+GP14 (Save)

                                                                [*] Opens save menu

                                                                [*] Group # | Location # | Target # | Save |||| Category | Label

                                                                46 Menu+GP15 (Midi)

                                                                [*] Opens midi setup editor

                                                                [*] Transpose and arp (Port # | Chn # | T/A Split [on, off] | Midd.Note # | Reset Stcks)

                                                                [*] Section Control (Port # | Chn # | G1 # | G2 # | G3 # | G4 # | Fwd [port] | Reset Stcks)

                                                                [*] Midi Router (Node # | In [port)] | Chn # | Out [port] | Chn # | Default Port)

                                                                [*] Misc (BLM_Scalar port [on, off] | Midi Monitor)

                                                                47 Menu+GP16 (Sysex)

                                                                [*] Sysex directory not found on card

                                                                [*] Not all required folders are created with disk format - midi folder was also missing

                                                                Utility functions

                                                                48 Utility+GP1 (Track select)

                                                                [*] Select active track

                                                                49 Utility+GP2 (Copy)

                                                                [*] Copy steps from 1 to selected #

                                                                50 Utility+GP3 (Paste)

                                                                [*] Paste copied steps

                                                                51 Utility+GP4 (Clear)

                                                                [*] Clear selected track (No options - Wipes the track instantly!!!)

                                                                52 Utility+GP5 (Move)

                                                                [*] Moves some steps (copy and paste together)

                                                                [*] Is there a way to select step range

                                                                53 Utility+GP6 (Scroll)

                                                                [*] Scrolls the steps across

                                                                54 Utility+GP7 (Random)

                                                                [*] Generates random events

                                                                [*] Track # | Generate | Clr | Util | Undo |||| LayerA # | LayerB # | LayerC # | TrgA # | Trg B # | Trg C #

                                                                55 Utility+GP8 (Undo)

                                                                [*] Undoes last operation

                                                                56 Utility+GP9 (Save)

                                                                [*] Opens save menu

                                                                [*] Group # | Location # | Target # | Save |||| Category | Label

                                                                [*] Not sure about location - is it like copying from one momory location to other?

                                                                57 Utility+GP10 (Record)

                                                                [*] Opens record menu

                                                                [*] Track # | Record (Live, Step) | Mode (Mono, Poly) | AStart (on, off) | Step # | TglGate |||| Port # | Chn #

                                                                58 Utility+GP11 (Mixer)

                                                                [*] Opens mixer view for 16 tracks (12 pages can be switched with +/-)

                                                                [*] Midi port | Midi channel | Prog change | Volume | Panorama | Reverb | Chorus | CC1 | CC2 | CC3 | CC4

                                                                59 Utility+GP12 (Options)

                                                                [*] Opens options menu

                                                                [*] Measure # | Pattern # | SyncChange (on, off) | Paste/Clr steps |||| Remote (auto, client, server) | ID # | Port # | Request connection (no)

                                                                60 Utility+GP13 (Port Mute)

                                                                [*] Allows muting of output ports

                                                                [*] Def | USB1 | USB2 ...... AOUT | Bus1 | Bus2

                                                                61 Utility+GP14 (Disk)

                                                                [*] Opens disk menu

                                                                [*] MSD USB (disabled, enabled[Pres&Hold]) | Midi files (import, export, play)

                                                                62 Utility+GP15 (Mute)

                                                                [*] Quick mute of all tracks/channels

                                                                63 Utility+GP16 (UnMute)

                                                                [*] Quick unmute of all tracks/channels


Edited by gjvti
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Thanks for the work!

Could you please bring this into the Wiki?

This would allow me to edit/correct/enhance the comments

Otherwise I would have to edit your posting and update your .html attachment. But this would only be possible for me (as administrator), and not for other users who also want to add corrections.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Still not clear to me how to access for editing the values for selected trigger layer, I can only access parameter layer values

Trigger values cannot be changed, they are statically defined.

The trigger pattern of the selected layer has to be edited with GP buttons.

Is there a way to select from which step to copy?

Yes, select the range with the encoders

Is there a way to select starting from which step to paste?

Yes, select the target position with the encoders

I think it would be more useful if Undo could be assigned to this in MBSEQ_HW.V4 file, but seems it is not possible

F1 isn't assigned to the Clear function, something seems to be wrong at your side.

Yes, I could provide an UNDO button function if really required.

Changing midi channel didn't work (tried just once hovever);

Works at my side.

I remember that there was an issue in a very old firmware release - are you using the latest version?

Not clear how to change/select new map;

pages 8 to 12 holds CC1=128,CC2=128,CC3=16,CC4=50 not clear how this works and how to change assignment to other CC numbers it looks like only theese CC messages can be remaped?

press the SELECT button for additional options and configuration

Not clear how to operate this function, what selected tracks in uper row of LCD mean and how to change them

You are probably using an old firmware

Wasn't able to change valuses for In and Out, maybe some other settings have to be changed

Works at my side - old firmware?

Sysex directory not found on card

Not all required folders are created with disk format - midi folder was also missing

Currently you have to create /sysex with a PC/Mac anyhow to copy some files

/midi is created with the export function if it doesn't exist yet.

Otherwise you have to create it with a PC/Mac anyhow to copy some files.

Not sure about location - is it like copying from one momory location to other?

Group # and Location # belong together, therefore this item is marked with multiple LEDs.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hello Thorsten,

Thanks a lot for your valuable comments!

I will double check the firmware version next

week and check all the issues I experienced.

I believe that they are mostly caused by

my novice status/lack of knowledge :)

Since I do not know how to deal with wiki,

I have to explore that first. I hope to

do that tomorrow or next week. I hope that

I will have enclosure box completely ready

in two weeks so I will be able to post

some photos as well.

Best regards



F1 isn't assigned to the Clear function, something seems to be wrong at your side.

Yes, I could provide an UNDO button function if really required

yes, I changed MBSEQ_HW.V4 file significantly since I have custom single sided I/O board, not the one designed by Wilba. I personally think that instant access to Undo function could be more useful than instant access to Clear function. Actually I had F1 unused so most appropriate from all sequencer functions to me seems Undo, but I just put Clear there, because Copy and Paste buttons are near on my board :) Perhaps we need a poll to make sure what others think about quickly accessible Undo?

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I will add the possibility to assign a UNDO button in the next firmware.

But it won't be preconfigured in the standard setup, people have to decide by themself if they find a direct access to this function useful.

Personally I prefer clear before undo. Not only because I use the clear function very often, but also because a dedicated undo button could imply that it works on *any* change.

But Undo works only on a small number of functions that are listed in the utility menu.

I don't plan to provide undo for any parameter changes.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I will add the possibility to assign a UNDO button in the next firmware.

But it won't be preconfigured in the standard setup, people have to decide by themself if they find a direct access to this function useful.

Personally I prefer clear before undo. Not only because I use the clear function very often, but also because a dedicated undo button could imply that it works on *any* change.

But Undo works only on a small number of functions that are listed in the utility menu.

I don't plan to provide undo for any parameter changes.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Ok, thanks. That's fine :)

I completely accept that, if such update is possible, it is not in priority list.

Also note that I put this quick reference of midibox sequencer functions on


so this tread can be locked I suppose.

Best regards


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