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Pot control for ssm filter bank?


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has anybody ever come out with a solution to control the ssm filter bank (Seppoman project) with a simple stereo pot? You know it s time to put them to work somehow..

wouldn't a pot wired up as voltage divider work?

I don't know about the linearity between CV and Cutoff Freq. You might end with using a log pot.

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well maybe seppoman has ;)

The easiest solution is to use two (linear) stereo pots together with some resistors. Cutoff is about 5 V for closed and -5V for open filter. Resonance is 0V for no resonance and about 10.7V for full oscillation. you can use some resistors to build voltage dividers between the supply rails that operate in the required range. With this basic solution, you might need to experiment with these values to get good results. The proper solution would be to use some TL074 opamp in a voltage follower configuration to buffer these voltages independently so there's no interaction between the two filters. The opamp output is also a low impedance source, so it's guaranteed that there's no influence of the pot value/setting on the operation of the filter.


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ermm.png please don't hate me steppoman... http://somaticcircuits.com/jaguar.htm

Why should I hate you? There's at least a dozen different 2044-based designs out on the web, and all of them are better suited for direct pot control and/or usage in a modular synth than mine. That's because I never had these use cases in mind with the design. My module is meant for direct and sole control from one CV source like an AOUT in a MBSID, and that's the reason why it is half the size and parts count compared to most of these other solutions while providing two instead of only one filter channel. I've told people several times both via PM and on the forum that if they need these other functions it might be easier to get one of these other modules like the one you've posted because with my module they'd need to add stuff on veroboard to extend the inputs etc.

Besides that, this is not a business for me so I don't "fear the competition" :flowers: Everyone should get what suits them best!


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