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LTC thru led always on, out always off


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hi there!

i've attached an LTC module to my SidV2, to have midi through and an additional out.

of course i put in the 4 wire core connection cable the wrong way at first. the whole synth wouldn't power up, so i changed it and then it worked.

the midi through works, i can control another synth through it.

but one thing makes me think i could have damaged something by putting in the cable the wrong way:

the through LED glows all the time, and the out LED is always off.

i thought i could make it light up when changing some sound settings, but nothing yet.

i have not put the MAX on the board and also not the COM socket, nor the related 100n caps. maybe i have still wired something wrong

(are there also wire bridges to omit in the thru/out version?)

too stupid also that i soldered in the ics first time, so it's not too easy to swap them again thumbsup.png


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C5, C6 10uFcharging capacitors for the monoflop circuit. If you prefer fast flickering LEDs, lower the values to 1uF

does the high cap value do both, keeping the thru led on as soon as there's a sequencer connected (that doesn't have to run) and the other led off all the time?

does anyone else use the thru/out option with SidV2? how is the out led working in your setup? actually i don't even know exactly what is to be transferred via midi out when changing sth in the menues.

sorry, i can't find it in the docs (or haven't understood, maybe)

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