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midi dj controller ZVEZDA


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All Greetings!!! I from Russia

Excuse for my English, I write and I read with the translator)))

Here I collect such piece, has already collected an electronic part:

1. Bootloader extra-pic

2. Pic Core on PIC18F452-I/P

3. DINx4 - 3

4. DOUTx4 - 4

5. AINx4 - 1

Some questions (I nothing I do not understand in programming ) interest

1. It is possible to make AIN 10 bit? (I use tempo pot 100mm)

2. A feedback for LED?

3. VU metr and track progres on DOUT?

4. Three encoders (2 jogwheel, 1 search)

After the read forum I understand that is necessary first compiling mine PIC, then MIOS studio I can change options DIN (on/off, tougle...) it so?

p.s. Itself programming I will not pull, I will agree with whom men, or there are ready insertions which to me will approach, advise please.

Excuse for my English :rolleyes:

Edited by Chubaka
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unfortunately you dont write anything about what you´re planning to do with

this controller or which software to use. I guess it is going to be a Midibox64e

to control Traktor or similar applications.

Btw: There is a localized russian section in this forum, you could try it there as well if you want.

1. It is possible to make AIN 10 bit? (I use tempo pot 100mm)

? i dont understand you

2. A feedback for LED?

That depends on the software you use your controller with. Certainly not without programming.

3. VU metr and track progres on DOUT?

A VU meter is an analog device, so in a classical way no, since you´re dealing with midi data.

You could try to build some kind of VU meter with LEDs but you´d need a software giving out that data

and some kind of feedback implementation again. Certainly not without programming.

Same for track progress.

Further reading: Protodeck

4. Three encoders (2 jogwheel, 1 search)

Jogwheel is possible but does not work as good as todays dedicated controllers (e.g. the NS7) due to the limited resolution

of the midi protocol. They all have some kind of HID implementation and high speed data transfer. So the results you will get

wont be comparable...i would not do that for djing.

Search? What do you want to search?

No Search implemented in MB64e application..

After the read forum I understand that is necessary first compiling mine PIC, then MIOS studio I can change options DIN (on/off, tougle...) it so?

You can change the needed options in the source files of the midibox application and recompile it afterwards to use it. You then upload

this changed application to the core via mios studio.

p.s. Itself programming I will not pull, I will agree with whom men, or there are ready insertions which to me will approach, advise please.

sorry..thats not understandable

Edited by phunk
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