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Help needed dout


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Hello, this is my first midibox project and I have a problem with the dout module.

My mb64 start sometimes , sometimes not. If I put my finger on the sc/rc input of the dout

module the box get started. I tested all buttons and all leds, they are working. Do I have to drill

a hole in my midibox to get it started by putting my finger on the rc/sc line???

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Do I have to drill a hole in my midibox to get it started by putting my finger on the rc/sc line???

No!!! ;)

This issue could be related to the wire impedance.

How many DOUT modules are connected together, and how long are the cables?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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No, thats uncritical.

Hm, strange... it sounds like there is a power problem, e.g. Vss and/or Vdd between core and DOUT module not connected. This could cause such effects as well.

Did you already check the connections between core and DOUT modules?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Ahhrrgg, on either way it dont work. 10 times or more turning on, all is fine.

next time turning on all leds or only a some are burning but midibox dont start.

The voltage on J8 Vd is too low. I proved all soldering an see no problem.

Why is the starting prodcedure randomized?

Edited by besh
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alright! :)

somehow this makes sense to me: the power consumption depends on how many LEDs are active at once.

Normally a single LED consumes up to 20 mA, but the current draw is already limited to ca. 10 mA via the 74HC595 and 220 ohm resistor.

let's say you've connected 64 LEDs, makes up to 640 mA!

So, your previous PSU was definitely not strong enough.

during power-on it can happen that all LEDs are active for a short moment (ca. 100 mS, you won't notice this), as long as the 74HC595s are not initialized.

putting a finger on a floating line (SC is floating during these 100 mS) will probably avoid that the LEDs are active during this startup phase, maybe because you are grounding a SC by doing so.

however, good that you found the reason!

best regards, thorsten.

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