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Midi Merger


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Hi All

I have successfully built the Midimerger using the 16F87x and it is fantastic :D:-)

Thanks Thorsten much appreciated.

I would now like to build the 16F88 version but to cater for 3 in and 1 out.

Can I do this by simply buiding two single versions and cascading them without

having to interface them to each other via an opto-coupler? Would a single

connection with a pull-up resistor do the job? As youv'e probably guessed,

I'm not a designer :wacko:

Any help please?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All

Just to finish this thread.

I built the 16F88 version and cascaded two together thus giving me my required 3 in 1 out. I connected the output of the first 16f88 directly to one of the inputs on the second. Both share the same power source and it appears to work fine. :D As there are only a few components, it fits into a small plastic sandwich box and costs very little compared to a commercial version. So I can happily recommend this.



PS Sorry - seem to have duplicated the original post :unsure:

Edited by nILS
fixed that for ya
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi All

Just to finish this thread.

I built the 16F88 version and cascaded two together thus giving me my required 3 in 1 out. I connected the output of the first 16f88 directly to one of the inputs on the second. Both share the same power source and it appears to work fine. :D As there are only a few components, it fits into a small plastic sandwich box and costs very little compared to a commercial version. So I can happily recommend this.



PS Sorry - seem to have duplicated the original post :unsure:

Hi All!


What kind of burner and "program" did you use?

I use the MBHP burner with PBrennerNG and the hex file from the http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_burner.html but I'm failed to burn the code to the 16F88. The burner recognized the chip as a 16F84 :-/

Thx forward!


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Hi there!

I just wanted to build the MBHP Merger with PIC16F88.

I build the burner, it's work fine :)

I want to burn the code into the 16F88 and I'm failed.

Are you sure the hex code for the 16F88 is correct?

Because when I burned the code into the PIC, then the PBrennerNG say: it's an 16F84 :( And I can't reprogram the pic :(

In IC-Prog when I load the hex file, the asm list is started like that:


include "P16FXX.inc"

ORG 0x0000




Is this correct?

There is anybody who is burned the 16F88 with the MBHP burner & PBrennerNG and the merger (PIC) is work fine?

Thanks for all!


Edited by lipi
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