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Midibox and bits

Guest mazzorca

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Guest mazzorca


I been folowing the evolution of this proyect since the 16plus, always dreaming about making one to miself.

I want to apologice first for my bad english(i know is terrible), and second, maybe these questions are off topic. but i´m posting them anyway :P so......

I come from a graphic background, actually 3d animation(this is my excuse  ;D).

I readed all the forum, made some search on the net, and some doubts are left without aswer.

i tested the vmidibox from serge and made to work with my 3d aplication.....but.........

Is posible to pass a value up to 1024 in midi? becouse i only can pass a max value of 127 (the 4 bit midi).I read over in a siteabout the pichbender pass a 14 bit data, but i can´t do it with the vmidibox......is posible to get a 1024 (or higher)value with the midibox to my aplication?

is that posible to do in vmidibox?

also i want to know, is there any posibity to drive more than 8 motorfaders?

and with this come another........ is posible to make a standar motor drive a pot to emulate a servo sistem? i mean.... is that the way a motorfader works?

almost forgot the last one. How many pot i can move at the same time? all the 64?

I´m tryng to make an armature of a human to drive my software . I  know .....this is nothing about music(also i been thinking about a camera control rig). jeje.

I  want to thank all this comunity i been reading this forum for a couple of years and this is my first post.

and a special thanks to Thorsten for share is geniusnes with all those ppl with hungry to do things.

Matias Mazza.

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Firstly I've never used vmidi so I don't know how to set it up but for what I know anyway...

To send 10 bit data 1024 steps you need to use a digital input an analogue input will only allow 128 as that is maximum value for midi, in hardware this means use an encoder to a din rather than a 10k pot to an ain.

There is a maximum of 8 motorfaders per core, you can drive more in hardware using multiple coresand a midi link.

You can move all pots at once but the more data you change simoulaneously the higher the latency will be.

Hopefully this'll help a bit until you get someone more knowledgeable to help.

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from the MIOS page:

Several drivers have been included which manage following control tasks in background:


analog conversion of up to 64 pots, faders or other analog sources with a 10-bit resolution


I think it can be done. The problem is that you can't send a number higher than 127 via a single midi cc message. You would have to split the number up and send it in two messages. Your software would have to be able to convert back the two messages into the proper number. For instance for the number 999 :

in binary = 1111100111

split into 2 - 7 bit messages:

0000111 1100111

   7                 103

Using MIOS, you should be able to do what you want I think. Hopefully if I made a mistake, someone will point it out!


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Guest mazzorca

hey thx for the answer ......

maybe this is the same thing you said to me but in my search on the web i found some sites...

talk about the pichbend channel, they say is a fine control channel(capable of 14 bit of transmision)....and volume and the others are coarse chanels(the standar 7 bit)...

so ,you mean the pich bend chanel is a compose messange? and the standar softwar will not read it?

i post those links so if someone want to check it........ i´m a dummy with electronics and midi.





i will check the thing in deep. i´m lost with all this midi thing ....

and again thx for the fast answers....

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