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Guest steeg

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I'm just tinkering with the idea of building a very simple knobbox based on the midibox plus, and was just wondering if it would work like this http://home.no/steeg/midiboxplus_simple.gif

just erasing the things I don't need  :)

i would only need one bank, and program the pots with sysex

maybe someone also could help me look over my parts list, so i don't miss anything

8      Pot 10k lin

1      PIC18Fxxx

1      10MHz crystal (paralel cut)

1      74HC00

1      6N138

1      7805

3      LED

2      Female MIDI (5pin DIN)

1      Diode 1N4148

4      Diode B40C800

1      Power 500mA 7-10V


1      100 Ohm

1      1k

1      1,2k

1      5,6k

3      220

3      470

2      100k

Ceramic Capactitators

2      33pF

1      330nF

1      100nF

Polarized Capacitators

2      1uF

1      2200uF

1      10uF

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why is that, is it something with the program for the pic, or is it a hardware thing with the pic?

I was also thinking about adding a led as value indicator for each pot, would this require rewriting the pic-code?

I might also go for a button for each pot to set the init value to the current value. This could be done, right? Which connectors could be used for this? I wouldn't have any problems with rewriting the code to fit my needs..

Thank you very much for your answer.

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Why is that, is it something with the program for the pic, or is it a hardware thing with the pic?

This is a hardware related topic.

I was also thinking about adding a led as value indicator for each pot, would this require rewriting the pic-code?

I might also go for a button for each pot to set the init value to the current value. This could be done, right? Which connectors could be used for this? I wouldn't have any problems with rewriting the code to fit my needs..

This cannot be done without removing existing features due to memory limitations.

I can send you the source code (-> request it via EMail), but please note that I don't support the PIC16F projects anymore.

PIC16F programming definitely makes no fun, especially the PIC16F MIDIbox firmwares are everything else than expandable since I had to use a lot of dirty programming tricks to get so much functions as possible into the small memory. Several people who tried to integrate new functions finally gave up.

If you want to do the right step, if you want to program new functions without so much effort like for the old PIC16F firmwares, then switch to MIOS!

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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