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Looking for simple STM32 project


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Hello everybody,

I'm just about to build a Midicontroller (my first one). Therefore I've ordered the STM32 board with the preburned controller which works and MIOS Studio is able to connect to the core. I hope this is the right Forum to ask my question and I hope that its not to stupid but I also hope that there might be a simple solution :)

My requirements: I need 14 buttons and 3 encoders as inputs and 28 Leds as output. I just need the Midicontroller to send the events via usb to the computer and light the leds when the computer sends midi events. The software I'm using is vvvv (www.vvvv.org).

The problem is that when I read the ucapps page I didn't notice that there's barely no project that supports the stm32 core. And as far as I've seen theres just the Midi to USB Interface, the Mass storage device and the MIDIBox SEQ V4.

My question is: Is there any possibilty (a user project or simething like that) to realise what I want using the STM32 core at the moment? Or do I need to build a pic core?

Thanks to everybody who can help me even if that means telling me that I have to build up the pic core.


Btw: For my application the PIC core would be good enough but I took the STM32 one because of the announced ethernet support which isn't that important but seemed to be a nice option for the future

Edited by Meddle
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Hello everybody,

I'm just about to build a Midicontroller (my first one). Therefore I've ordered the STM32 board with the preburned controller which works and MIOS Studio is able to connect to the core. I hope this is the right Forum to ask my question and I hope that its not to stupid but I also hope that there might be a simple solution :)

My requirements: I need 14 buttons and 3 encoders as inputs and 28 Leds as output.

This also means that you will need a DIN and a DOUT module.

I just need the Midicontroller to send the events via usb to the computer and light the leds when the computer sends midi events. The software I'm using is vvvv (www.vvvv.org).

That is easily done writing your own C code, starting from the app skeleton. Have a look at the tutorials to see how easy it really is.

Edited by ilmenator
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