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clock box problems


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So far I builded a midibox64 and a standalone drumsequencer (mb808)without any troubles. I didn't compiled a thing just used the standard programs. For my experimenting I use a full stuffed dinx4 and a full stuffed doutx4 board.

I really like the midiclockbox with 8 outputs but unfortunately I can't get it to work. I started with the enhanced version and all seemed well. Display shows the right information and I got a row of 8 burning led's. But as I start pushing the buttons nothing happens, also the encoder doesn't give any reaction. After pushing all my 32 buttons I found 4 working ones. 1>play 2>rew and start and stop midi output track 2. The led's for track 2 also go on and off. And I attached 2 midi outs to j5 and both work.

So I thought maybe something wrong with the DIN, lets try clockbox simple version. This aplication seems to work well completely. The encoder works and all the buttons, but it has no extra midi outs, so this is not an option, only for checking.

Then I found on the forum clockbox_v1_5ekx, so uploaded this and that also seems to work well, except for the extra midi outputs. In the read me it says that those are dissabled by default, so I have to recompile the code.

I've never done such a thing so I was a little excited and followed the quick start procedure precisely. But I only get error messages in the black screen. After that I started reading the detailed instructions and found the 'make version check' and it didn't succeed so I used the; c:\MSYS\1.0\bin\make.exe and that seemed to work, yes my first succes today!

So I went on and tried all again with the new make line, but still nothing. The black screen says there's something wrong with the perl conmmand.

I've been busy for hours now reading and trying but I'm totally stuck. Any help would be appreciated. Maybe someone can upload the clockbox_v1_5ekx hex file with the multi outs enabled so I can play with it. But I also want to be able to compile such easy thing myself.

Any help appreciated,


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When I want to create a new hex file with RUN>cmd> I get the next error message:

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]

© Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Roel>cd C:\Midibox\clockbox_v1_5ekx

C:\Midibox\clockbox_v1_5ekx>SET PATH=C:\MSYS\1.0\bin;%programfiles%\gputils\bin;



'perl' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

operable program or batch file.

Assembling MIOS SDCC wrapper


Compiling mclock.c

'perl' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

operable program or batch file.



Is there anybody who can help me making my own configuration .hex files? I followed all the steps at the wiki, the quick one and the detailed one.

Edited by Elektruck
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Ok it's working now, I recompiled the code!

I feel stupid now, cause I didn't have 'Active perl' installed on my computer, like the error message said. But I didn't read anything about it in the 'windows_toolchain_quickstart' WIKI page.

Great application!

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