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FPGA SID with Filter Emulation (+ Pokey + NES)*


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Mebbé old news for some, mebbé not so old news for other hoomans like me.

Video is almost 2 years old nao:

Copied from CSDb.org 02/04/2008:

"Kevin Horton, the hardware hacker extraordinaire (mostly known from his game console hacking) is working on a SID implementation in FPGA.

Yes, it has been done before in eg. C64 DTV (which doesn't even emulate filters), but his aim is to make the filters sound *very* exact to the real thing, by actually implementing them OUTSIDE of the FPGA as a discrete circuit! It is described in greater detail (with samples!) on his blog, at http://blog.kevtris.org/

The filter circuit is based on the actual SID die, as imaged by Tim Boscke (http://www.digital-circuits.org/sid/).

Kevin is looking for all kinds of info about different kinds/revisions of SID chips, and also SID musicians with good ears to assist in filter tuning. Actually, all kinds of help and information would be appreciated. Recordings from additional real SID chips of the 'trickier' songs which use the filter would also be much appreciated.

Another thing which might be of interest for you other hackers out there in regards to his game console hacking, earlier SID player(s), and other FPGA work: http://www.tripoint.org/kevtris/index.html

He can be contacted at kevtris[at]comcast.nospam.net

Toni Paavola and Jonathan Gevaryahu on behalf of Kevin Horton"

* = + moar

In his latest blog entry of June last year, this is whats supported:

.NSF (complete with support for NES, VRC6, VRC7, FME7, N106, MMC5, FDS expansion audio)

.SID (complete, with quad-SID support, filters, RSID, PSID, and Compute! Gazette MUS format)

.GBS (complete, with normal Gameboy and Gameboy Colour support)

.SAP (complete, with dual POKEYs)

.SGC (complete, with support for SN76489, Colecovision, SMS, Gamegear modes)


Edited by Smithy
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