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12h we have jamed with our new setup, when my friend went home I jamed alone a 3,5h session - and here we are:

the jam is splittet in 4 320Kbs MP3s on my hi-speed server:





Style: techno (tekkno), tribal, schrantz, ritscheratsche, ÖSTERREICHISCH "ZUASTAUNDSOUND"

Style²: technical limited monotone hypno sound with constant sound morph

it is when we only look @ the interface (left behind max msp ableton) a classical drummachine setup, with new elements

classical: stepsequencer - new: 16x8 steps overview/access with 3 colour Accents and powerfull editing operations

classical: one shot sampler - new: "electribe R-Style" motionsequencer for all drumtracks

Classical: one shot sample banks - new 1000ends of them without space problems on ssd-hds

classical: total controll (drumcomputers) - userdefied controlls and finetune for that

>>> I use Ableton as one powerfull drummachine

The Setup consists off:

Quadcore 64bit PC (for the jamin itself- no Monitor, mouse, or keyboard is needet)

2x BCR2000

2x LP

1x APC

1x RME Multiface II

Ableton 8.2.1 with simply delay, reverb, and EQ8, the rest is:

MaxMSP & Max4Live - self programmed devices:

LP-Stepsequencer, Oneshotsampleplayer with APC controllsourface and Parametersequencer for all Parameters, midi efx like midiroll, mididelay, velocity kill, and so on

- it might be not 100% perfect because i jamed without any cue, monitoring and so on, but for that -other tekknos said- " its very good, and with some uppimp and overwork it would be "saugeil""

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