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Need help for compilng


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Hi Guys

It's a couple of weeks I'm trying to compile the USB PIC project code without any success.

I have already installed the toolchains and set the Path in windows XP exactly according to the instructions in WIKI, but I still receive this error message and no HEX output!


rm -rf _output/*

make: /bin/sh: command not found

make: ***[Clean] Error 127


Is there anyone one who can compile this code for me and tell me what is wrong with it?

What is missing in my PC; or what should I do that I currently not doing?

Thank you in advance.



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Hi Ciro,

looks like you don´t have MSYS "Unix Tools" installed. They provide what it is necessary for building the stuff.

Look here under "Required Tools":


Best regards,


Hi Peter

Thank you for your reply.

I have installed the MSYS. It responds when I check its version with [Make -version] command.

I have really no idea what is wrong!

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I don't know what the problem is, but suspect it's something to do with your exported MIOS environment variables. See under the 'MIOS base package' section in the page linked above.

If you still have problems, you could try running linux in a VM. I've recently installed Ubuntu in Virtualbox for this purpose, and found it easier to get all the toolchains running than with windows.

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I don't know what the problem is, but suspect it's something to do with your exported MIOS environment variables. See under the 'MIOS base package' section in the page linked above.

If you still have problems, you could try running linux in a VM. I've recently installed Ubuntu in Virtualbox for this purpose, and found it easier to get all the toolchains running than with windows.

Hi Findbuddha. Thanks for the hint. but it didn't solve the problem. I even tried compiling it in Notepad++ but the result was exactly the same.

Would you please compile the code I have attached and see if it makes the HEX file in your PC?

If you succeeded please send me a copy of HEX file.



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Hi Findbuddha. Thanks for the hint. but it didn't solve the problem. I even tried compiling it in Notepad++ but the result was exactly the same.

Would you please compile the code I have attached and see if it makes the HEX file in your PC?

If you succeeded please send me a copy of HEX file.



I got it to build by modifying the Makefile using one from SVN as example, but this may not be what you want (wrong processor).

PROCESSOR = p18f452

LKR_FILE  = $(MIOS_PATH)/etc/lkr/$(PROCESSOR).lkr


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I got it to build by modifying the Makefile using one from SVN as example, but this may not be what you want (wrong processor).

PROCESSOR = p18f452

LKR_FILE  = $(MIOS_PATH)/etc/lkr/$(PROCESSOR).lkr


Thanks bro. That's ok. At least I know that the code is compilable and the problem is inside my PC.

I'll definitely try to make it.


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